David Frum explains, and I agree.
ht: National Newswatch
In a nutshell, Mr. Frum points out that Canada (under the Harper Conservatives, remember this, for it's the critically important point!) has been the most fiscally responsible Western nation in its response to the global recession. Stephen Harper's Conservative Canada has taken a responsible, balanced, long-term-oriented approach even as it agreed to temporarily boost "stimulus" spending to help prevent a Hard-Left illegal coup by the Liberals, NDP and Bloc, who want to march in lockstep with Herr Comrade Obama.
In the future, after the recession has ended, who do you think will be better off, Stephen Harper's Conservative Canada, with its only-temporary "stumulus spending" and permanent tax cuts or Barack Hussein Obama's NeoCommunist Obamerica, with its permanent new massive spending commitments being very difficult politically to reverse, plus the higher debt interest payments? I mean, imagine a Canada with lower taxes than NeoCommunist-damaged America, which is said will be forced to raise taxes massively to avoid eliminating all those new massive Obama social entitlement programs and to avoid bankruptcy.
Just watch. And remember that during the elections I warned of the dangers of Obama-style NeoCommunism and National Socialism. Pity I was unable to get through to the majority of Americans whose entrancement by the False Messiah was, at that time, impossible to break. But break through the mesmerizing, massively-hypnotic Obama mystique and Hard-Left Big Meida command and control of the Peoples' perceptions, we soon enough will figure out how to do. Yes we can defeat Obamamania. But it's going to be a war, as the Obamanian Democratc have declared war on us with their so-called "Fairness Doctrine" which would bring the power of the state to bear upon us, forcing us to stop speaking for ourselves and force us to bring in the Enemy Propagandists to counter, with their lies and propaganda, our truth-telling about the horrible Hard Left and its destructively hateful, evil, greedy, totalitarian NeoCommunist National Socialist agenda.
And don't forget, the dangerous National Socialism of the Obamites will have proven but a temporary warmup for their real long-term goal of International Socialism and global governance. Horrors... imagine a world run by the United Nations, which is effectively controlled by none other than our mortal enemies, such as the Islamofascist World, including Iran, the NeoCommunist World, including deceptive Red China... you know that the ultimate agenda of the puppeteers of Obama is to end our freedoms, democracies and our rule of law as well as our human rights. This is the ultimate agenda of the Left, even if its adherents are of the delusion that the opposite sort of "utopia" is the ultimate goal. Of course, they believe the Big Lies told by their leaders and brainwashers. Those poor, unfortunate, pathetically wretched Useful Idiots... they're helping the Enemy Within and Without to destroy the Free World and replace it with God knows what, if indeed it's going to happen.
No wonder I'm a serious, unrepentant "right-winger". We're always opposed to such dangers as NeoCommunism, National/International Socialism and Islamofascistic supremacism and imperialism. This is why we're the best choice to lead the Free World, not the NeoCommunists!