"They are going to be voting on an anti-Jewish, anti-Israel resolution and we're here to try and get CUPE members to denounce Sid Ryan and ask that he be removed from CUPE's leadership," said Meir Weinstein, president of the Jewish Defence League of Canada. Mr. Weinstein's group and others have formed Canadians Concerned about Campus Anti-Semitism. He said there will be bus-loads of people travelling to Windsor to join in the protests.
Sid Ryan's hateful resolution is claimed to be a "protest against Israel's actions in Gaza", as if Israel did anything wrong, which she didn't, as it's the "Palestinians", particularly Hamas, which controls Gaza, who deserve to be bashed even by very-well-paid, stupid, insane, waste-of-space ultra-far-left-wing socialist scumbags like Sid Ryan.
So Sid Ryan wants to make it illegal for persons of Israeli descent to teach in Canada. Just because, as he erroneously believes, Israel did something bad, something wrong. How logical... blame all Israeli nationals for the alleged actions of their nation. So this is the precedent he's trying to set?
I suppose he also believes that we should have internment camps for all nationals of all Islamic nations, because the terrorists of 9/11 came from Islamic nations? How about a bunch of Gitmos all over the place to concentrate 'em all so they can't cause any more trouble?
I suppose he approves of the internment camps we had for persons of Japanese descent during WWII, because Japan was attacking other nations?
Well, as long as he wants to discriminate against Israelis (which is a clever way to discriminate against Jews while claiming he really isn't!) in this manner, then, hey, let's discriminate against all "Palestinian" professors (I had one once, and realize he'd be out of work, just because of what those Hamas bastards are doing... is that fair, seeing as he isn't necessarily like most "Palestinians", but, hey, maybe we should discriminate against them all, both the good and bad, just because they're "Palestinians"?), removing from their jobs in academics. Why not? Using his logic, well... Right, Sid?

So do the members of CUPE-Ontario agree with Sid Ryan? Or don't they? If they don't, then what? Will they let this shocking hatemongering of their leader, Sid Ryan, slide? Unpunished? Will they tolerate such hatred and discrimination? Or will they demand his resignation/firing, as he deserves?
You just KNOW that if a non-left-wing leader of some organization proposed that we ban all Muslims from teaching in our universities, etc., there'd be a much bigger stink made all over the place than is being made about Sid Ryan's anti-Semitic policy. As the Big Media hasn't been making a big stink, and as the "Progressive" movement, including the Liberals, the NDP, the Bloc, the Greens, etc... we'll, I'm afraid, have to conclude that since they're not making the mandatory big "anti-hate" stink they ususally do, they're therefore accepting of this kind of hatred, this anti-Israel/anti-Semitic hatred and discrimination.
It's a "Progressive", "Liberal", "Left-wing" thing, folks. They just hate the Jews, just because they're Jews, period, just like the Nazis did, and just like Islamofascists and neo-Nazis do. No wonder so many Jews are leaving the Left all the time when they smell the stinging stench of hatred... directed at them by claiming-to-be-tolerant people they thought they could trust...
Next thing you know, those doublethinking, flipflopping "Progressives" will be demanding that people be forbidden to teach based on skin color or based on what kind of sexual activities they engage in... and don't forget persons with disabilities, too, and the elderly, and women... all the "Progressives" need to falsely justify their intolerance of anyone is to call it "progressive" or a "right to choose" or simply say it's all in the name of "human rights". Then, thusly deluded into believing that whatever they're told to do to whomever, they're somehow being righteous, somehow doing the "right thing", they'll be capable of anything. After all, delusion that something is so that isn't, and denial that something is so that is, is the root cause of such intolerance and violence. And has been the root cause of genocide... and I'm afraid I see such delusion and denial on the part of the so-called "Progressive" movement throughout the world today. And the psychoaffectation permeates everywhere, with such deluded, denial-practicing "Progressives" everywhere we go. And they, we know very well, tend to be at least mildly intolerant of those who aren't of the same dogmatic ideological orientation, ie. those who prefer to not let themselves be told what's what, and to use their own brains and accept observed, experienced reality as it actually is, rather than denying it and fabricating some alternative "reality".
I mean, those people, the so-called "Progressives", they already consider it a "right to choose" with respect to the massacre of unborn human beings... like Sid Ryan believes it's his "right to choose" to discriminate/demand official discrimination against whomever he wishes.
Those "Progressives" frighten the living daylights out of me. They're dangerous. Their movement is dangerous. It doesn't matter if they call something "progressive"... because discrimination is discrimination, just as it was under the "progressive" Third Reich and under the "progressive" USSR, as it has been and still is in the "progressive" Islamic World, and just as it still is today.
There is nothing "progressive" about thinking and behaving like Adolf Hitler, Mr. Ryan!
Fire Sid Ryan! Hell, why not charge him with a "hate crime", throw him to the jackbootin' "Human Rights" fascists, why not- they're always looking for people to jackboot, and better him than innocent people, right?! He has potentially... he may have caused hatred and contempt against Israelis/Jews... and maybe potentially violence, too... Besides, it's not "free speech" to move to take away peoples' livelihoods on the basis of national origin/ethnicity/religion, etc. While free speech is, or is certainly supposed to be protected, what Mr. Ryan is doing isn't protected, and is cause for dismissal, for such discrimination cannot be tolerated in a Just Society!
End "progressive" hatemongering now! Zero tolerance for "progressive" hate!
PS... did anyone hear anything from Warren Kinsella about this? I mean, here we have a horrible white guy inciting discrimination and hatred and contempt against Jews... I though Warren Kinsella was on the warpath against such horrible white guys? Oh, wait... not "Progressive", "Liberal", "Leftist" white guys, of course... just those who ain't Liberals or NDPers, Blocers, Greenies, etc... It's clearly, for him, a partisan thing, obviously, or at least a Left-Right thing. And we know how those "Progressive" Liberals/Leftists practice projection and transference, calling their political counterparts "Nazis", but being just fine with their own ilk acting like Nazis!
You just KNOW that if a non-left-wing leader of some organization proposed that we ban all Muslims from teaching in our universities, etc., there'd be a much bigger stink made all over the place than is being made about Sid Ryan's anti-Semitic policy. As the Big Media hasn't been making a big stink, and as the "Progressive" movement, including the Liberals, the NDP, the Bloc, the Greens, etc... we'll, I'm afraid, have to conclude that since they're not making the mandatory big "anti-hate" stink they ususally do, they're therefore accepting of this kind of hatred, this anti-Israel/anti-Semitic hatred and discrimination.
It's a "Progressive", "Liberal", "Left-wing" thing, folks. They just hate the Jews, just because they're Jews, period, just like the Nazis did, and just like Islamofascists and neo-Nazis do. No wonder so many Jews are leaving the Left all the time when they smell the stinging stench of hatred... directed at them by claiming-to-be-tolerant people they thought they could trust...
Next thing you know, those doublethinking, flipflopping "Progressives" will be demanding that people be forbidden to teach based on skin color or based on what kind of sexual activities they engage in... and don't forget persons with disabilities, too, and the elderly, and women... all the "Progressives" need to falsely justify their intolerance of anyone is to call it "progressive" or a "right to choose" or simply say it's all in the name of "human rights". Then, thusly deluded into believing that whatever they're told to do to whomever, they're somehow being righteous, somehow doing the "right thing", they'll be capable of anything. After all, delusion that something is so that isn't, and denial that something is so that is, is the root cause of such intolerance and violence. And has been the root cause of genocide... and I'm afraid I see such delusion and denial on the part of the so-called "Progressive" movement throughout the world today. And the psychoaffectation permeates everywhere, with such deluded, denial-practicing "Progressives" everywhere we go. And they, we know very well, tend to be at least mildly intolerant of those who aren't of the same dogmatic ideological orientation, ie. those who prefer to not let themselves be told what's what, and to use their own brains and accept observed, experienced reality as it actually is, rather than denying it and fabricating some alternative "reality".
I mean, those people, the so-called "Progressives", they already consider it a "right to choose" with respect to the massacre of unborn human beings... like Sid Ryan believes it's his "right to choose" to discriminate/demand official discrimination against whomever he wishes.
Those "Progressives" frighten the living daylights out of me. They're dangerous. Their movement is dangerous. It doesn't matter if they call something "progressive"... because discrimination is discrimination, just as it was under the "progressive" Third Reich and under the "progressive" USSR, as it has been and still is in the "progressive" Islamic World, and just as it still is today.
There is nothing "progressive" about thinking and behaving like Adolf Hitler, Mr. Ryan!
Fire Sid Ryan! Hell, why not charge him with a "hate crime", throw him to the jackbootin' "Human Rights" fascists, why not- they're always looking for people to jackboot, and better him than innocent people, right?! He has potentially... he may have caused hatred and contempt against Israelis/Jews... and maybe potentially violence, too... Besides, it's not "free speech" to move to take away peoples' livelihoods on the basis of national origin/ethnicity/religion, etc. While free speech is, or is certainly supposed to be protected, what Mr. Ryan is doing isn't protected, and is cause for dismissal, for such discrimination cannot be tolerated in a Just Society!
End "progressive" hatemongering now! Zero tolerance for "progressive" hate!
PS... did anyone hear anything from Warren Kinsella about this? I mean, here we have a horrible white guy inciting discrimination and hatred and contempt against Jews... I though Warren Kinsella was on the warpath against such horrible white guys? Oh, wait... not "Progressive", "Liberal", "Leftist" white guys, of course... just those who ain't Liberals or NDPers, Blocers, Greenies, etc... It's clearly, for him, a partisan thing, obviously, or at least a Left-Right thing. And we know how those "Progressive" Liberals/Leftists practice projection and transference, calling their political counterparts "Nazis", but being just fine with their own ilk acting like Nazis!