Sunday, February 15, 2009

Canadian Bus Beheader-Cannibal Could Get Off Fast

Story here.

ht: National Newswatch

The trial is coming up next month...

Looks like the beheader-cannibal has been deemed insane.

And it also looks like he'll be put in a "hospital" (not a prison) and his case turned over to a "provincial review board" which will decide what to do with him.

The problem? There is no minimum amount of time for any insane person, no matter how horrible the act, to remain in a psychiatric institution. This raises the clear and present danger of the Leftist state apparatus letting him out early, untreated (not that there's any reason to believe that his insanity can be eradicated and that he can be made normal again and non-dangerous... no reason to believe this at all!)

You know from experience observing the Leftist-dominated state apparatus how these things end up.

They let criminally insane people out without being sure that they're no longer insane, that they couldn't ever do again what they've done in the past.

The victim's family wants a new law that would guarantee the murderer would never be released.

Carol deDelley, the victim's mother, told the Free Press last fall it's outrageous Li will have the chance to taste freedom again.

"Under no circumstances do I ever want this man walking free in public again. This shouldn't be acceptable to anyone," deDelley said.

Her big fear is that doctors will quickly rule Li can be managed in the community through medication.

"They can treat him, that's fine. But it has to be done in a locked facility for the rest of his days. Anything less than that is not justice," she said.

Of course, as we have a state apparatus dominated by foolish, stupid Left-wing ideologues, what do we realistically expect?

And do you see the Leftist Opposition consenting to a never-release-'em law proposed by a conservative government? You just know they'll say it's "unconstitutional". Knee-jerk fashion. Leftists always say that about conservative-government-proposed laws they don't like! Rest assured that if the conservative government has only a minority in Parliament, the law won't be passed, certainly not by the Liberal-dominated Senate, if it does pass with the assistance of Liberal MPs.

"I don't think he can be cured. Treated, yes. But not cured. He's unpredictably dangerous. I don't think he can be healed. And I don't want to take that chance."

Of course, the Left wants to believe the unbelievable. They'll get some phony "expert" to lie to a guillible, unquestioning Big Media and claim that, of course, the guy's "treatable" and that he can be treated while going free... free to reoffend, that is!

The Left will have more compassion for the offender than for the victim and his family.

And for potential future victims of the dangerous person.