Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff thinks he's got a secret weapon: Warren "Slappy the Clown" Kinsella.
Slappy Kinsella is perhaps most infamous for making fun of an opponent's religious beliefs with a stuffed animal used as a prop on live television... for electoral advantage. Of course, one may argue he's most infamous for other stuff, but the important thing is really that he's Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff's chief political strategist, and that continuing to employ someone like Kinsella isn't exactly a demonstration of intelligence or common sense on the part of a guy who thinks he could one day be Prime Minister (reminds one of Stephane "Do-Over" Dion, doesn't it?). Nevertheless, I hope Iggy-Poo continues to employ that clown, for the sillyman just might turn out to be, not Iggy-Poo's secret weapon against Harper, but actually the other way around!
Slappy Kinsella's also infamous for suing a LOT of people... and for threatening to sue. Guy's a bully who can't handle inconvenient truth or questions about himself or his worldview.
One of his latest antics is to sue (again!) Ezra Levant for asking inconvenient questions (yep, click and read the whole thing about the poor, poor, pitiful Slappy, chief strategist to clueless, absent-minded, utterly-devoid of street-smarts, Liberal Leader Ignatieff) about whatever involvement there may have been on his part with respect to the infamous ADSCAM Liberal scandal which devastated the Liberal party and led to its subsequent worsening-each-time, devastating electoral defeats and current position as being hopelessly lost deep in the dark, scary woods of the proverbial political wilderness.

You can see the lawsuit here. (The original $50,000 lawsuit was filed in September. Last week it was amended to add Adscam, and increased to $5,000,000.)
It's going to fail spectacularly, and hurt the Liberal Party.
It’s just the latest erratic move by Kinsella, who has had an awful month as the Liberal war room boss. From having to issue a groveling apology for his anti-Chinese slur that Chinese restaurants serve cat meat, to his failed attempt to bully TVO into cancelling an on-air guest, it’s been a gong show over there.
Hey, I remember The Gong Show! It was hilarious, if silly and ridiculous as hell, kind of like Mr. Kinsella! Damn, you know, if they brought back The Gong Show, Warren Kinsella could host it, or at least be one of the regular, silly-dummy-ass characters on it.
Hey, Warren, ask not for whom the Gong tolls, for it tolls for thee!
Filing a $5-million lawsuit to try to silence questions about his Adscam involvement probably isn’t Kinsella’s smartest move. I’m not sure why someone who wants to stop people talking about Adscam would create a conversation-starter like a massive lawsuit. And then there’s the prickly matter of Kinsella subjecting himself (and his private documents) to unlimited cross-examination by my lawyer – I mean days or weeks, not the brief appearance he made before Justice John Gomery’s Inquiry.
Oh, my... what a pickle Warren's gotten into! Ditto his boss, the clueless Iggy-Poo!
Most astonishing of all is the fact that the reputedly "smart" Iggy-Poo hasn't fired Slappy, even after all the spectacular poopers he's dropped!
Let the entertainment continue! Don't you just love watching clowns having their silly pants fall down over and over and over again?
We should call Warren Kinsella "Slappy the Clown", for his slapstick antics, for the fact that he likes to launch nuisance SLAPP suits and for his non-stop, knee-slappingly hilariously backfiring attempts at gaining advantage over political opponents.