Below: A hypothetical meeting between B. Hussein Obama and a monstrous enemy who needs no introduction. How do we know it never happened? After all, Obama did pay a visit to Pakistan long ago, a visit shrouded in mystery and controversy which took place at a time when Americans were essentially marked for death in Pakistan... What if...?

Story and reaction here.
Perhaps this leaked information, likely leaked by a brave minion who's disturbed to discover the true agenda of the new President, will cause enough controversy to cause Obama to cancel the insane move.U.S. President Barack Obama will likely order a military commission to withdraw charges against Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, a suspect in the U.S.S. Cole bombing held at Guantanamo naval base, ABC News reported on Thursday.
The decision, likely to be announced on Friday, would end prosecution of al-Nashiri in the military court system that Obama has criticized and may ultimately dismantle, ABC News reported, citing unnamed sources
Or could this be a false leak? A leak designed to get a buzz going, only to have the rumor shot down and the blogosphere discredited? Could there be a clever propaganda plot to leak fake information about Obama being about to do the insanely unthinkable, causing an uproar, followed by a denial by the President that he's planning any such thing, thus making bloggers look like dupes?
Of course, however, the leak was passed on to ABC, one of the old-line, dinosaury, on-the-way-down-and/or-out Big Media giants. If the blogosphere were to be made to look bad in this case, so will ABC and the Big Media as a whole.
Cheney: Obama Policies Risk Catastrophic Terror Attacks
“These are evil people. And we’re not going to win this fight by turning the other cheek,” he said in the interview, conducted at an office near Cheney’s new home in Washington’s Virginia suburbs.
He said the “ultimate threat” facing the country since the September 11 attacks of 2001 was if extremists can unleash “a nuclear weapon or a biological agent of some kind” in the center of a US city.
“That’s the one that would involve the deaths of perhaps hundreds of thousands of people, and the one you have to spend a hell of a lot of time guarding against,” Cheney said.
“I think there’s a high probability of such an attempt,” he added.
Of course, the Hard Left doesn't believe that there's any danger, much as didn't Chamberlain vis-a-vis Hitler's Nazi regime. And, being Hard-Left himself on national security matters, President Obama obviously has no interest on protecting America and Americans from their mortal enemies... no interest at all which anyone can detect, for all of his actions so far indicate that he's trying to make it easier for foreign powers to attack, invade and occupy America.