(I bet he hates this picture of himself and wishes people wouldn't post it, eh?)
Story here.
Later that same day, I received another email from Warren informing me that he was emailing the Minister of Education to ask her to pressure us to “unbook” Kathy Shaidle, and that if we didn’t, there would be significant consequences for TVO and The Agenda. He did, indeed, email the Minister.
Well, now we’ve got a different story, right? Now, it’s no longer a story about the appropriateness of our choosing Kathy to appear on the program. Now it’s a story about a well known Liberal Party operative threatening us (with what? We didn’t know) unless we did what he said.
That’s a very different story and as a result, we naturally refused to “unbook” Kathy. We do not take our marching orders on whom to put on or take off our television program from anyone, but most assuredly, not from partisan political operatives with personal grudges (Warren’s tangle with Kathy, I’ve learned, goes back awhile).
So if Warren’s ultimate goal was to deprive Kathy of a “platform,” his approach failed spectacularly.
Caught with his poopypants down again, that Warren.
We already know he believes in censoring those who have something to say which he doesn't like, what with being a big fan of the so-called "Human Rights" racketeering biz.
And, while Chief Strategist to Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff, who still hasn't fired him (despite all the nasty-foul crap he's dropped all over the place), Warren threatened a mainstream media outlet with "significant consequences" should they not do what he demanded. Sounds like a Liberal Fascist, no?
Is this how the Liberals operate? Or was it just how they operated under Jean Chretien's leadership, while, coincidentally, Warren was his top partisan-attack pitbull?
Boy, how about that Warren Kinsella, eh? Always going around threatening people to try to get them to do what he wants. Kind of like a schoolyard bully, isn't he?
That's it. Warren Kinsella is little more than an old schoolyard bully who never left the school grounds, never finished being in recess... he's a nasty little brat trapped within an adult's body. Kind of like the average Liberal/"Progressive"...
And the funny thing is that I found out about what Warren had done via his own blog. He linked to the gory details himself, providing me the opportunity to say, "Look, see, he's a big, fat ass... look what he did this time!" Idiot. Always keeping the story going when he ought to shut his fat yap and hope it'll go away. But the guy's incapable of shutting his fat yap.
Let's see... bigotry towards women (basically saying they should bake cookies or something, not be in politics), towards the Chinese (said, on his blog, and on video online, that they serve cat in their restaurants), now being a bully towards the mainstream media, threatening them with "significant consequences", as if he's some kind of Librano hitman... oh, wait...
Good for TVO for telling Warren Kinsella to feck off.
Oh, and I couldn't resist posting a couple of kitty pictures for effect...