Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Arab Group Loses Fed Funding Due To Its Judeophobic Hatemongering

Good. Got to teach the Arabs and Muslims that their hatred will not be tolerated, either. It will be punished.

Arabs and Muslims need to receive the message that, in Canada, they, like everyone else, need to be tolerant of people who are different, and that bigotry will not be rewarded. Nor will calling Minister Kenney a "whore".

In an exclusive interview with Sun Media from London, England, where he is to speak today at an international conference on anti-Semitism, Kenney said groups are free within legal bounds to say what they like. But groups whose leaders say intolerant or hateful things shouldn't get taxpayer funding.

"We should not be rewarding those who express views that are contrary to Canada's best liberal values of tolerance and mutual respect."

One of those groups, said Kenney, is the Canadian Arab Federation whose president Khaled Mouammar called him a "professional whore" after Kenney criticized the presence of Hezbollah and Hamas flags at anti-Israel rallies in Toronto.

Kenney said the same group criticized Liberal MP Bob Rae because of his wife's involvement in Canada's Jewish community.

No dhimmitude. No submission. No tolerance for intolerance. No taxpayer dollars for Judeophobes nor Israelophobes.

I hope that, in the future, Left-wing activist/propaganda groups will lose any currently-received taxpayer-dollar privileges for their own bigotry, including Israelophobia, Judeophobia and Christianophobia.

Of course, they'll call it "censorship", even though they still get to continue spittlingly, red-and-veiny-facedly spewing their "hate speech" and don't have to worry about the Liberal Fascists of the "Human Rights" Commissions and the reprehensible, appalling, impossible-to-respect, hateful, intolerant, discriminatory likes of Richard Warman and Warren Kinsella going on the warpath against them.

ht: National Newswatch