Story here.
She then tossed to a sound bite comprising two separate comments made five days apart, which ABC joined together. The edited comment made it sound like Limbaugh wants Obama to fail because he’s black.Busted!
Here’s the ABC version of Limbaugh’s comment:
Limbaugh: “I don’t need 400 words. I need four. I hope he fails.”
“We are being told that we have to hope he succeeds, because his father was black, because this is the first black president, we’ve got to accept this.”
“Good Morning America” took the first sentence from Limbaugh’s Jan. 16 radio program. The second sentence comes from Limbaugh’s January 21 appearance on Sean Hannity’s TV show. In the interview with Hannity, Limbaugh stressed that Obama’s race doesn’t matter to him, but his policies do.
...and the Hard Left continues its war on Rush Limbaugh and on conservative talk radio as a whole, as they are intolerant of inconvenient, beg-to-differ commentary/opinion which makes it difficult to fool all of the people all of the time. So they're engaged in a massive campaign to discredit the King of Conservative Talk Radio and are planning to impose a regime in which the state will decide what is and isn't "fair and balanced" and force people like Limbaugh to broadcast in a manner that suits the Hard Left, meaning that he and others must water-down their message by having the "other side" on to have their say, as if the "other side" isn't already extremely well-represented by Big Media and Big Hollywood and whose message is impossible to miss in the first place!