Thursday, February 26, 2009

Japanese Scientists Dismiss IPCC Claim As "Ancient Astrology", Hypothesis

Story here. Do read the whole thing!

Well, haven't you gotten the feeling yet that there's many, many scientists the world over who dismiss the IPCC's claim that we're making the earth hotter and are bringing about imminent "catastrophic" climate change? Emphasis mine...

Kanya Kusano, Program Director for the Earth Simulator at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science & Technology, compares computer climate modeling used to support the man-made global warming theory to “ancient astrology.”

He states that the IPCC’s “conclusion that from now on atmospheric temperatures are likely to show a continuous, monotonous increase should be perceived as an unprovable hypothesis.”

Shunichi Akasofu, head of the International Arctic Research Center in Alaska, agrees: “IPCC’s theory that atmospheric temperature has risen since 2000 in correspondence with [carbon dioxide increases] is nothing but a hypothesis.”

Related: Top Climate Change Horror Storyteller Dr. Hansen Incites to Commit Civil Disobedience

These crazies keep on getting crazier and crazier. In the olden days they'd have been dismissed as lunatics and crackpots and perhaps commited.

This is the guy who started it all, actually, and the guy Al Gore depends on for his own fearmongering talking points.

I really, truly am convinced that the whole global warming/climate change thing is a Big Lie. Just watch the Big Liars become more and more cracked and loony as they, frustrated, witness people pretty much ignoring them, including even leftist governments, who obviously know that it's a big pile of B.S.

When lunatics who crave attention sense loss of attention, they become even more loony in an attempt to recapture the attention. This is what the Chicken Little lunatics are doing.

The best thing to do is to ignore these nuts. I don't care if the corrupt, evil UN's "IPCC" claims whatever they want to claim. After all, they're an offspring of the corrupt, evil UN, so how the hell can the rational person believe bizarre, incredible, outlandish claims made by something created by that which is corrupt and evil?