Thursday, February 05, 2009

Another "Choice" Horror Story

This is an example of the many things that may go wrong when a woman "exercises her 'right' to 'choose'", as the Hard Left disingenously calls the torture and murder of a living human being.

The Department of Health account continues as follows: Just before noon she began to feel ill. The clinic contacted Renelique. Two hours later, he still hadn't shown up. Williams went into labor and delivered the baby.

"She came face to face with a human being," Pennekamp said. "And that changed everything."

The complaint says one of the clinic owners, Belkis Gonzalez came in and cut the umbilical cord with scissors, then placed the baby in a plastic bag, and the bag in a trash can.

Williams' lawsuit offers a cruder account: She says Gonzalez knocked the baby off the recliner chair where she had given birth, onto the floor. The baby's umbilical cord was not clamped, allowing her to bleed out. Gonzalez scooped the baby, placenta and afterbirth into a red plastic biohazard bag and threw it out.

How come the Hard Left and "judges" get to decide which human beings have a right to life and which do not? Doesn't this smack of Nazi ideology? Doesn't it smack of a certain "doctor" named Mengele, who decided which Germans got to live and which were to be killed... guess he'd call that his "right to choose", too, as it was given to him by the state apparatus, too... just as happened with Roe vs. Wade, in which the tie-breaking vote was cast by a judge who should've withdrawn himself from the bench for the case due to the fact that his judgement was potentially clouded by the fact that a family member wanted an abortion... some judgement, eh? And, in fact, the woman who initially launched that infamous, "ground-breaking" suit now regrets doing so...

Remember, just because the Hard Left propagandists and aggressors are always screaming at you, "don't you believe in a woman's right to choose?!", doesn't mean that it's a "right" at all, this "choice" to commit murder just because the marked-for-death person is deemed inconvenient... Show me where, in the American Bill of Rights it says that murdering the unborn is a "right". Show me. If you can't, then you'll have to stop claiming that there's any "right" to "choose". Same goes for Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which does NOT indicate in any way, shape or form, any such "right", either. Now, why are the Hard Leftists getting away with this Big Lie? Why? Again, one thinks of the Third Reich and its infamous Big Lie and Final Solution for millions of human beings arbitrarily deemed inconvenient and unworthy of life by the National Socialist state apparatus... which brings us to one Margaret Sanger, a Nazi herself, who founded the so-called "Planned Parenthood" in America, whose "clinics" are mostly located within ethnic-minority communities, and who's been caught being racist... just like its founder. What is the true agenda of the abortion industry, then? Is it really an infinitely evil, criminally brilliant way to control the size of the "non-white" Free World population in the post-Holocaust age, an age in which the People are naturally opposed to genocide? You be the judge...

Abortion is actually the murder of a human being with torture being an unavoidable component of the crime, which is wrong on all possible levels (the Hard Left, on the other hand, ironically, doesn't want Al Qaeda and Taliban captives to even be made the least bit uncomfortable, yet they don't want to even acknowledge the torture-to-death of millions and millions of human beings deemed inconvenient by the very same dogmatic Hard-Left "intellectuals" and philosophers who declare that evildoers are human, too, and must be treated the same as non-evildoing humans, even if doing so means that millions more people will be murdered for lack of being allowed to coax and goad valuable, life-saving information out of those supremacist, hateful, murderous monsters. And keep in mind that Hard-Leftist Barack Hussein Obama arrogantly opted not to protect babies born alive from being harmed and murdered, and , on his first day as President, ordered the closure of Guantanamo Bay detention facility, jeopardizing intelligence-gathering from and justice for our mortal enemies, demonstrating, in deed, which is stronger proof than his word, his true moral worldview.)

No one has a "right" to "choose" to murder another human being. After all, the Hard Left argues that even cold-blooded murderers need to be protected from the death penalty, which they consider wrong... even though they're fine with the murder of a certain class of 100%-innocent human beings, on the other hand...

Talk about doublethink... talk about insanity... talk about gross illogic and irrationality... talk about a failure on the part of humanity on par with whatever other greedy (abortion is extremely profitable, which is why there are "doctors" out there willing to commit them for the right price, frequently under-the-table, off-the-books, evasive-of-taxes), murderous evilness one can imagine...

ht: Drudge Report