Remember, the Nazis did it one increasingly worse thing at a time, "progressively", just like the "Progressives" do things today.
The CUPE-Ontario decided to boycott Israeli universities. Read it all.
Oh, isn't that nice? They believe all the Big Lies they were told by anti-Semites, so they discriminate on the basis of the Big Lies. Of course, that's how Leftists/"Progressives" operate!
You see, anti-Israelism is anti-Semitism.
Read also the related post: Liberal Fascist Spotlight: CUPE-Ontario Bigwig Sid Ryan
Why doesn't the CUPE-Ontario boycott "Palestinian" universities? After all, those universities preach hatred, intolerance and incite terrorism against Israel and Jews. Don't the stupid Hard-Left union bosses know this? (Probably!)
Not all CUPE members agree and they say they'll boycott the union in the event of passage of the hateful, prejudicial, Big Lies-based resolution.
I see that a bunch of hateful, prejudiced Arabs confronted the Jewish demonstrators while they protested the anti-Semitic vote. Big surprise.
Via CTV:
(...)"CUPE Ontario will become less important in the eyes of mainstream Canada,"(...)
"I think this runs against the grain of Canadian values."
"Jews worldwide have a sense today sadly that people are entering into a black hole of anti-Semitism and the passing of this resolution will only reinforce it."
I see that Sid Ryan is now potentially in trouble with the "Human Rights" Commission for his hateful demand to discriminate against all Israeli academics in Canada, effectively robbing them of their means of making a living. While I'm against those Liberal Fascist kangaroo courts, which run roughshod over peoples' rights and rule regardless of evidence/lack of evidence, it would be priceless to watch what happens when the complaints are to be considered by the HRC apparatchiks. Will they dismiss the complaint, making up some stupid excuse, even though Sid Ryan clearly incited against an identifiable group, inciting to discriminate? This falls directly within the HRC's actual, official, original mandate that in employment, as well as in housing, one can't discriminate on the basis of such things as national origin! Ah, now hold on a moment... now I DO support the HRC jackbooting that bastard Ryan, as it will, for once, be acting within its mandate!
The resolution has even been the subject of a complaint to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal. Three Essex County men are not asking for financial damages, but say they want an apology from Ryan to the Canadian people.
This isn't over.
It's a huge smear on all unions, not just on CUPE-Ontario. It's un-Canadian, what the leadership of CUPE-Ontario did. And hateful. And based on Big Lies and prejudice.
This is one of the oldest hatreds in human history... and it's not being fought by so-called "Progressives" who incessantly, screamingly, spittlingly, non-sincerely claim to be "opposed to hate" and keep on chanting "stop hate" and so on and so forth. Bunch of liars.
Remedial reading for "Progressives": Israel's History and Right to Exist
I'll provide a critical excerpt here, though you must read the whole thing (bookmark the link and print it out if you haven't the time right now).
In effectively launching the 1967 war, the Arabs violated these boundaries, thereby invalidating them as de facto borders. The Israeli conquest, the result of a defensive war, constituted a legitimate redrawing of the armistice lines, pending a final settlement. UNSCR 242, drafted as the roadmap to this settlement, stipulates that Israel should withdraw from these new armistice lines “to secure and recognized boundaries” only as part of a negotiated peace, something which has yet to be achieved. And while the resolution does not define what these boundaries should be, its framers made it clear that they should not be the 1949 lines, (i.e. the Green Line), lines they dismissed as entirely unsuitable for a permanent international border. The deliberate omission of the definite article from UNSCR 242’s withdrawal clause was designed to facilitate the necessary revisions. So, until permanent territorial boundaries are demarcated in the context of a comprehensive peace, Israel has an equal right to be in these lands.And one knows that the "Palestinians" have never tried sincerely to make peace. They reject every effort of Israel and each time Israel tries to make peace with genuine concessions and gestures, the "Palestinians" attack Israel however they can, to kill innocents on purpose. They even reject Israel's unilateral, and wholly unnecessary, withdrawal from Gaza, which is being used as a launching pad for missiles by the "Palestinians", such launching being the precise reason for Israel's operation to take out the aggressors and their war equipment to protect Israel's citizenry therefrom. It's all "Palestine"'s fault, everything bad that happens there! They simply don't want peace, for it's their raison d'etre to destroy Israel, period... and all the hard evidence proves it, like Hamas's constitution, for one thing, and continuing refusal to accept Israel and peace, no matter what!
Clearly, the "international community" is supposed to be condemning the Arabs/Muslims/"Palestinians", not Israel!
Get a clue, brainless fools of the "Progressive" movement!