Story here.
Remember, just because you don't hear of it in the old-line Big Media, doesn't mean it's not happening. The demands for documentary proof that Barack Hussein Obama is a natural-born American citizen continue.
Orly Taitz told WND today that she's preparing the complaint but is holding onto it and will file it shortly to give state legislators a chance to join the action as plaintiffs.
Four already have signed up, including state Rep. Eric Swafford of Tennessee, who agreed to be a plaintiff "for a Writ of Mandamus to obtain original birth certificate, immigration records, passports and other vital records for Barry Soetero aka Barack Hussein Obama."
Taitz told WND the case also probably will include members of the military as plaintiffs, since both state lawmakers and military officers are obliged to follow orders from the president of the United States and both have a need to know those orders are legitimate."In the military, those would be unlawful orders, and [following them] would subject the officers to courts-martial," she said. "In the legislatures, they cannot follow any of his bills or orders … they don't know who he is.
"As far as we know he is a foreign national … Why should state legislators send any funds from the state to a foreign national?" she said.