Story here.
"Obama is a radical communist, and I think it is becoming clear. That is what I told people in Illinois and now everybody realizes it's true," said Keyes, who ran unsuccessfully against Obama for the state's open Senate seat in 2004. "He is going to destroy this country, and we are either going to stop him or the United States of America is going to cease to exist."Any bets that the Chicago Mob, who runs interference/intimidation for Obama and his puppeteers will call Mr. Keyes what they've been calling a lot of those who dare disagree with Obama... a "racist"?
(...)"We are claiming that a bankrupt government can save a bankrupt banking system," Keyes said. "The fact that we have just elected an individual – who may or may not be qualified – and he presents silly ideas like this and says, 'Let's move forward now,' and we're all acting like the laws of economics have been repealed and we can actually afford to foot the bill with money nobody's got, this is insane.
"It's got to lead to the collapse of our economy," Keys declared, "and it's going to."
Uh-oh... they'll have to think up something different now! Maybe they'll call Keyes a "poopy-head" or something, which isn't any less mature (or lazy-minded) than automatically calling people "racists" just for criticizing the President (as if it's racist to criticize the President... they criticized Bush, didn't they?).
There's a lot more folks than is immediately apparent out there who believe that Obama will ruin America. Such folks are immune to the pomp and circumstance, the dazzling gobbleddygook, the fake Greek architecture and fireworks, etc., and are able to think for themselves. Maybe they're wrong and maybe Obama won't "destroy" America. But I'm pretty sure that when he's finished his fast & furious, radically extreme and stealthy campaign to turn the nation so hard and far to the Left, we won't recognize America anymore.
Once Obama's done his damage, many who loathed Bush the Second will pine for the good old days under his leadership, believe it or not. At least America still looked a lot like America under Bush!