How could Chamberlain have known that appeasement was futile? Who knew that there was such a thing as evil and that once one was too far gone, too insane with evilness, as was Hitler (as Ahmadinejad, Putin, Il Jung, Hu, Chavez et al probably are as well) there's no reasoning with them, no trusting them, no believing anything they say, unless one is oneself insanely stupid as hell? Hint, hint, Barack Obama... hint, hint... are you even listening, buddy?
Well, duh. Big surprise. As if one hadn't thought it likely! I mean, just look at all the unspeakable insanities he brought upon the world...
Speaking of very serious mental disorder, might I suggest viewing the following (caution: contains ugly, NSFW images of very seriously insane "progressive" socialists, just like Hitler was a very seriously insane "progressive" socialist):Adolf Hitler's uncouth behaviour and shocking table manners appalled his wartime dining companions, according to a secret intelligence report discovered during a house clearance.
The papers, marked “Must be destroyed within 48 hours of reading”, include a psychological profile of the Nazi dictator based on the interrogation of one of his closest aides.
The aide, an officer who kept the appointments diary at Wolf's Lair, Hitler's military headquarters at Rastenburg in East Prussia, described how the Führer bit his nails during meals, gorged on cakes and was often lost in his own thoughts, paying little attention to the conversation around him. He also spoke about the rages that kept Hitler's senior officers in a state of constant terror.
The papers are part of an intelligence summary prepared as the war neared its end and are believed to have been saved by a British officer. They were found at a house in the South West and are to be sold at auction next month.
Zombietime Hall of Shame
ht: National Newswatch