Ed Balls of Britain, apparently a Hard-Left moonbat, is subtly, insidiously fearmongering that the economic downturn will somehow cause a resurgence of the "Far Right" and fascism.
Well, if he wants to go off half-cocked, screaming such things as "The fascists are coming! The fascists are coming... so you better let us Far-Left fascists do whatever we want without question!", well, let him, and let him make a damfool of himself in the process. But of course, he isn't, as he realizes that he must be more subtle and make the People think the worst for themselves via cleverly selected soundbites...
Well, this guy surely does sound, well, ballsy. Of course, he took his cue from a comment made by a Leftist union leader who said, perhaps pretending to be alarmed, that non-Leftists were interested in "British jobs for British folks", as if that was a bad thing. My, but isn't it fascinating how easily the Left becomes unhinged? They interpret conservative economic policy as somehow something monstrous, an interpretation which is absurd. He says:
"I think that this is a financial crisis more extreme and more serious than that of the 1930s and we all remember how the politics of that era were shaped by the economy."
(...)Ah. Typical Leftist demonization of their non-Leftist political counterparts via cleverly-planned subtle suggestion naturally raising peoples' worst fears. Typical. Leftists always do this. They do it in Canada, too, in America... everywhere. Those Leftists, they're all the same everywhere!A spokesman for Ed Balls denied he had been trying to draw parallels with the Far Right.
He said: “The speech was about the difference between Labour and the Tories on the economy. It was not about trying to draw parallels with the Far Right.
“The Tories are completely isolated in their opposition to a fiscal stimulus that is essential to combating what most economists agree is an unprecedented financial sector recession. “He said that this difference between the parties will define this country’s politics for many years to come.”
Funny he mentions that. Meanwhile, in America, a charismatic, master-orator President is elected on vague, unspecific promises of such things as "change", "hope", "audacity"... Hmm... that does sound familiar, as the same thing happened in Germany in the 1930s...
And already the new American Far-Left President has been issuing executive order after executive order and is on record as saying that he wants to change the Constitution, that he doesn't really like it... oh, my... reminiscent, no?
And he appears to have an agenda, unreported by the Big Media so as to avoid raising alarm, of putting together a "mandatory national service corps" for all youth... also historically parallel.
Well, Mr. Balls is apparently already known for going unhinged and making wild, unfounded claims...
Ed Balls, the Schools Secretary, caused controversy earlier this month by attacking faith schools and claiming that they insisted on parents filling in standing orders for "voluntary fees" running into hundreds of pounds when sending back application forms.
However, the Government was able to single out only a handful of mainly Jewish schools that levy the voluntary fees to cover security costs and religious teaching.
Further undermining Mr Balls's claims, it emerged yesterday that more than half the parents in faith schools accused of charging for state education - five of which were Jewish schools in Barnet, north London - do not pay the voluntary fees.
His allegations caused a furore within the Jewish community, and ministers have called in leading Jewish figures an attempt to defuse the row.
Wonder if he knew about the tiny number of Jewish schools with the voluntary fees? Could it be that he accused "faith schools" in general to avoid the appearance of, well, intolerance towards one specific faith? Hard to say. It's a question worth pondering.
Well, that's your moonbat for this "Moonbat Spotlight" post: Briton Eddie Balls.