"Give it a rest". Read the whole thing, of course, so you get all the info!
Duffy knows what those annoying reporters are doing, that they're up to no good, trying to take him down, 'cause he's officially a Conservative now.
Duffy knows what those annoying reporters are doing, that they're up to no good, trying to take him down, 'cause he's officially a Conservative now.
I'd say he's handling it well. He's a great guy to get along with, I can see, but give him some aggressive silly-nonsense crap, well, he won't take it. And he shouldn't, nor should any Conservative.
In fact, he sounds a little like Churchill now... a good thing.
So how come the Big Media keeps bugging him, despite the fact that he's already explained why he made a biting, if controversial, comment about a couple of unhinged Maritime Premiers?
Well, he basically said that if raging nutcase Newfie Premier Danny Williams (who's probably completely blown all his political capital attacking the Prime Minister and will soon discover that his account is bankrupt and he owes a lot of unpleasant butt-kissing) and "Rambo"-wannabe PEI Prem Robert Ghiz were to "get in bed together", one of 'em would "get the shaft" and it wouldn't be Demonic Danny (my words, mind you, as I'm not so polite to dumb asshats as is the good Senator).
Duffy also said...
"Joe Ghiz (Robert Ghiz’s late father and former Island premier) knew what he was doing. Joe Ghiz was a very smart guy," Mr. Duffy said. "And I am afraid, Robert . . . well, anyway, I’ll just leave it at that."
I'd agree that Premier Ghiz Whiz is being a dummy just like Premier Wailing Williams. Guess the Ghiz intelligence apple rolled a bit far from the Ghiz tree, eh!
The Senator soundly thrashes his former journalistic brethren for their own dum-dum, me-too, attack-the-right-wing-scary-wary mentality:
"How long can you keep this angle going? Why don’t you talk about the budget? Why don’t you talk about the relationship between the provinces and the federal government? Why don’t you talk about things that matter to Canadians rather than try to trap me into saying something stupid so you’ll have another angle," Mr. Duffy said. "It’s just ridiculous. It’s childish."He's been there for a long time, so he knows, as a former insider, what's what about the Big Media. Fortunately, he couldn't be turned by the Left into one of those zombies. Not everyone in the Big Media is a moonbat after all.
Yeah... why isn't the Big Media any longer interested in the Budget and the recession that's deepening as they ask their stupid questions even as they've been asked and answered a million times over? Guess the Big Media is more of a propaganda tool for the Left than it is a service that provides factual, accurate, relevant reportage to the People!
There is absolutely NO doubt in my mind that the Big Media has become corrupt to the point of near uselessness, which makes it unsurprising that they're collapsing all over the place due to a sinking-like-a-stone audience pool and massive operating losses. No wonder the People are turning to the Non-Big-Media internet news/info/analysis/opinion realm to find out what's actually happening in the real world. This site alone gets an average of more than two hundred visits a day, according to SiteMeter stats, so don't be fooled by the very low number of comments left herein so far (c'mon, I'd love to have everyone give their own two cents, even if it's to dis me if I say something that mightn't be all that right; c'mon, I can handle it, as I've survived my trial of fire from the Left already and don't mind being dissed by my own side, though don't expect me to drop trou and bend over to get the shaft from the aggressive, get-righty Hard Left trolls!)
He said he has received mail from "phoney-baloney Danny’s minions" who said they were upset about his comments about the two premiers. He said the people who sent him messages were also personally abusive "about my looks and weight."
My, but isn't that nasty? Making hay about someone's appearance as if it had anything to do with what he said! Kind of like when Liberal cabmin Doug Young referred to Reform MP Deb Grey as a "side of bacon" just because she begged to differ. Is this typical of the mentality of Liberals and other Leftists? I see it happen in the U.S., too, as Leftists were saying that Bush looked like a chimpanzee and stuff like that. Leftists, when they can't beat conservatives, when they have no dirt to share, make it all up or attack folks on irrelevant trifles such as physical imperfections. Or, in the case of Sarah Palin, they make up nasty, hateful rumors or simply launch into demonic hatemongering against them, without saying why... just saying they hate 'em, period (I suggest that Leftists hate Sarah Palin because she's not a Leftist, she had a baby, even knowing the boy has Down's, she forgives her daughter's mistake and welcomes the boyfriend/husband into the family to raise the grandchild as a father's supposed to. Leftists hate this stuff! Leftists hate anything normal, anything good, because it takes effort and brainwork to be normal and good, and Leftists don't want any part of that, preferring to CheeChong it thru life on welfare or something).
Yeah, I know, I ridiculed the appearance (remember the tiny, stupid-looking triangle of hair on his chin, and the ugly green jacket?) of the Hard-Left NB principal who nixed the daily O Canada on phony, fabricated grounds. But he deserved it, as he behaved like a traitor to his country in the name of international socialism. He's lucky that's all he's getting, strong, derisive national condemnation of his treasonous act, plus some fun-making of his weird, Hard-Leftwingish, moonbatty appearance, whereas in many parts of the world he'd have gotten his head blown or chopped off or gotten hanged or stoned (oh, I guess that's probably redundant, heh!). Apples and oranges... Senator Duffy didn't do anything wrong at all, and was just standing up for Canada, criticizing and advising against the unhelpful behavior of two Hard-Leftwing asshat Premiers, whereas Principal Millett, who admires such lovelies as the murderous Che Guevara, attacked his own country and people by arrogantly censoring the national anthem in the name of his extremist, international-socialist ideology.
I don't apologize for taking dumbasshats to task for being stupid and asshatty, and neither need Senator Michael Duffy.
I hope Mike keeps speaking out, telling it like it is, and giving the Left and the Big Media a headache, making them show their true colors again.
Good job, Mike! Keep it up, please! We're in your corner!
ht: Bourque