Oh, this is just so surrealistically rich coming from the "United Nations".
When, oh, when is the UN going to, for example, tell Islamic theocracies to stop abusing and brutalizing non-Muslims and women? When is the UN going to tell the Chinese Communist regime to stop persecuting and brutalizing the Falun Gong?
Once they've done those and many other things they haven't, then they can talk and I'll listen. Otherwise, I'll consider whatever they say to be the picture above.
I really don't think Canada needs the "United Nations" to lecture her. Canada is far, far better on human rights than the UN, after all, and of this there can be no doubt.
Why is there still a UN? It's irrelevant now, as it really doesn't do any good anymore.
It's time to turn away from that stupid elitist club full of a mixture of, on one hand, good people and, on the other hand, evildoers who happen to wear suits and pretend to be normal and moderate... and found the United Democratic Nations, in which membership is contingent on being a democratic (or genuinely, proven-to-be-democratizing) nation which actually respects human rights as opposed to not having any at all. Many of the UN members have no democracy, no human rights... why are they members? Why are those brutal, malevolent regimes allowed to steer and decide the international agenda? It's wrong... simply wrong!