Monday, February 02, 2009

Mike Duffy's Replacement Tom Clark: Fair and Balanced?

So Tom Clark promises to be fair and balanced as Mike Duffy's replacement.

I see. We'll see.

Clark is also putting politicians and party hacks on notice -- "anyone who tries to use spin on our show is going to be in for a rather unpleasant surprise."


(...) it will be relentlessly fair and relentlessly accurate," Clark said. "We're going to call be people out when there's the appearance of hypocrisy or disingenuousness."

Nice to hear it, Tom. So I'm sure you'll welcome MY being relentlessly fair and relentlessly accurate here and point out the appearance of hypocrisy/disingenuousness...


Actually, on just my third day blogging as The Canadian Sentinel, I exposed Tom Clark as spinning with his own apparently biased opinion, playing a pundit, not a scrupulous, non-spinning fact-presenter, with respect to President Bush on the Katrina issue...

Fortunately, the same link I used back then on Sept. 17, 2005, is still there...

Get a load of Mr. Clark's opinionated, arrogant, pundity spin:

"What George Bush wanted to do politically was shore up his support in the black community."

WTF?! What's up with the opinion, spin, punditry? This is the guy who's promising to rip new ones in those who do the same?!

I said, back then, of Mr. Clark's behavior as a "relentlessly fair and relentlessly accurate" journalist for CTV's Washington Bureau:

Oh, yeah? And how does Mr. Clark figure he's an expert on US history and on what Mr. Bush wants to do? Pure opinion; no factual information...

Ok- that was just me calling Mr. Clark out due to
"the appearance of hypocrisy or disingenuousness".

It's also a bit poignant that right now we're hearing a tiny, tiny bit in the way of "Obama dozed, people froze"... eerie, ain't it, in light of everything... Wonder what Tom Clark thinks about that...