What do you expect, anyway, from a Democratic partisan extremist? After all, it's the Democratic Party that imposed the racism, hatred and murderous activities of the Ku Klux Klan onto America, not only hanging people for simply being Black, but also hanging people for simply being Republicans, whether they were Black or White. And don't forget that one of the Democratic Senators (still sitting!!!), one Robert Byrd, is a former Klan Grand Kleagle himself, and the Democrats are just fine with it, happy to have him there. So are you really so sure about the Democrats being such nice, non-racist people? Definitely the Democratic Party of the US is the most astonishingly ironic entity in America, and I'm afraid that this fact is lost on Democrats like Barack Obama, who don't seem to realize what kind of a party it is of which they're a member... they should be afraid of the Democratic Party, as am I. I don't want to be hanged (or be the recipient of such frightening, threatening hatred, as has been Ms. Palin, from the likes of the hateful Sandra Bernhard) just because I'm not a "Democrat"!
Story here. ht: National Newswatch
Leftists (who also call themselves "progressives")... are not nice people; they're very bad, mean-spirited, hateful people. They must be prevented from taking power and destroying the free world with their extremism, hatred, destructive decadence and from handing the free world over to its enemies, like China, Russia, Iran, imperialist Islam, etc...
You know, Bernhard is just the latest in an incredibly long line of leftists who have, ever since Sarah Palin became the Republican Vice-Presidential running mate to John McCain, been spewing unhinged, harmful hatred against Sarah Palin, and who sometimes end up saying racist, sexist things and get away with it with the mainstream media, who only go after non-leftists for saying such terrible things.
The left and the mainstream media have, after Sarah Palin's announcement as VP running mate, conclusively proven themselves to be detestable asshole lunatics who have no business running any free world country and no business being the mainstream media! They have undeniably showed their true colors, true faces, and the pierced, tortured nipples on their souls. It's time to begin to aggressively marginalize these hateful, harmful extremists on the ultra-far-extreme left! They did it to non-leftists; it's their turn to have it done to them!
Don't elect Barack Obama. Don't elect any more so-called "Democrats"! They'll destroy America if you do!
Aren't you just sick and tired of those wealthy, selfish, hateful, destructive left-wing extremists? And how about the ones who are celebrities, like Bernhard? Ain't they the worst of the mentally-disordered worst?
Black men in Manhattan, and, indeed, everywhere, should be outraged at this hateful white woman. How dare she imply that Black men are rapists? What a hateful bigot that Sandra Bernhard is. I wait for the widespread, deafening, neverending outrage over this hateful lunatic's vile utterance of racism and sexism. I hold not my breath, however, because I know there won't really be much, if any at all... because leftists get away with everything! Why is it that Michael Richards had to kiss ass big-time for a similar outburst, but Sandra Bernhard will naturally get away with the same crap? Oh, I see... because the left and the mainstream media will ignore the Black men of Manhattan this time, because they'll do anything to get a Democrat elected President! Anything, including forgetting their professed principles!
No wonder she doesn't want Sarah Palin to be Vice President. Because Sarah Palin is a good person, a person who doesn't hate anyone at all, a non-bigoted person. And people like Bernhard, in their insane jealousy, debilitating phobias and feelings of insecurity and inferiority, can't have nice people in power, as nice people are against the bigotry and hatefulness of people like Bernhard. The reprehensible, racist, sexist likes of Bernhard likely fear just consequences for being so destructively anti-social and don't want to be nice people, having become addicted to being evil, hateful leftists already.
Hatred, racism, sexism, jealousy... are neither "progressive" nor "liberal".
Leftists are bad. Period! Don't trust them! Ostracize them!