Here they go again. Whiners and complainers. Isn't it annoying?
ht: National Newswatch
They want our money!
They claim that arts and culture cannot possibly survive unless the government takes our money and gives it to them.
Who are they to tell us what is art and what is culture? The arrogance!
You know, crap as art is one of the goals of communism in the free world. Here it is, from the Congressional Record, number 23 on the list:
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."
Need I say more? There are "artists" out there whose agenda is to push gross bullcrap at us, telling us that "this is art", "this is Canadian culture", "this is Canadian identity", "this tells our stories", while demanding we pay them to do it. WTF?!
Granted, not all artists are like this; not all artists are communists without any talent. There are certainly real artists, no doubt.
But they're telling us: "Give ALL of us your money! Don't "censor" any of us, no matter what; we are the ones who determine what's what about Canada, not you!" Sheesh... they equate not being paid to being "censored". What imbeciles!
Such arrogance. Such contemptible whining.
The bums uptown are actually less annoying to me than these "artists"!
I'm voting for the Conservatives, who have already demonstrated that crap masquerading as art will not be funded. Pornography and other inappropriate/obscene stuff won't be taxpayer-funded any more. No tax dollars, either, for violence, expressions of hatred, ideological extremism disguised as "culture", etc.
The artists are just hurting themselves by demanding that any and all art be funded by the state. Sorry, artists, but with that attitude, you may well one day find Canadians demanding that not one more cent go to you whining entitlists who don't want to get a real job in the private sector! I don't want there to be a "civil service" comprised of folks doing such silly nonsense as pooping on paper and telling us the result somehow represents something.
Sheesh! Fofecksake!