I didn't make this up. Excuse the odd-sounding automatic translation from French at the link.
Interesting that it's not making very much news, not that I could tell at this time. Is it because he's a Liberal, and the mainstream media will protect the Liberals from bad publicity stemming from one of their own advocating the extermination of one percent of Mohawks?
Blowing all suspected bad Mohawks away on sight at the Oka standoff? Whatever happened to a fair trial? Don't Liberals believe in the right to a fair trial? (Oh, wait... they want to keep the "Human Rights" Commission, which doesn't allow anyone a fair trial, ever! So I guess not, then!).
You know, if it had been a Conservative candidate instead of a Liberal one, do you think that it wouldn't become a bigger... far, far bigger scandal? If it had been a Conservative who uttered such remarks, wouldn't the Liberals, NDP, Bloc, etc., plus the entire MSM, be babbling furiously about it and dubiously claiming that "Look, it's the latest in a long line of racist comments by that party!"? So why isn't it happening to the Liberal Party and its leader? I mean, this is a far, far worse, plus very dangerous, thing to say than simply saying the words, "homosexual faggots", words on tape, spoken many years prior, that got a Conservative and his party in a hell of a lot more trouble than the racist bigot Liberal we're looking at, who, by the way, has been removed as a candidate for the Liberals.
Still waiting for the Liberals to take big hits for having a murder-inciting racist on their team. Isn't it bad when a Liberal is a racist? Or does being a Liberal make it ok in the eyes of the Left?
So get on the Liberals' asses and demand they prove they're not racist and don't have a hidden agenda to go around shooting all suspected baddies on sight!
Gee, I wonder if the Liberals have some kind of hidden agenda and whether that guy let the cat out of the bag about it... Never know! After all, as their agenda is hidden, that means we can't see it and that's scary, therefore the Liberal Party is scary and so, necessarily, somehow, is its leader, Stephane Dion... what is he, some kind of scary boogeyman with a hidden agenda to go around doing all sorts of unknown scary stuff? Whatever... just 'cause he's scary, we therefore can't vote for him! Right? Well, that's Liberal logic, anyway, so why not use it against them for a change so they'll know how it feels to be accused?
ht: National Newswatch