Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Separatist Duceppe Attacks Catholic Tory's Religion

So where's the "Human Rights" Commissions now? Hate speech galore!!!

The raving lunatic in the photograph above is Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe.

Why am I blogging about him?

Well, because he crossed the line.

He attacked a political opponent on the basis of her religion.

Now, isn't that something that the liberal fascists at the "Human Rights" commissions frown upon? Or does it only apply when the target of dissing is a Muslim?

What if he had said that "Islam represents a narrow-minded ideology that runs counter to Quebec values." in the context of attacking a Muslim candidate? Wouldn't there be an uproar?

I doubt that he'd dare say that about Islam, but he actually said it about a Conservative candidate's Catholic faith.

Will he get away with this "hate" speech?

Is JudeoChristianity going to be targeted in this election? Are Leftist politicians going to get away with attacking political opponents on the basis of being JudeoChristian, suggesting that their faith is unacceptable to the Leftist ideology, which they incorrectly claim is the ideology of the nation or of a province?

Wonder what M. Duceppe has to say about the Muslim candidates for the Liberals? Would he dare say the same about their religious beliefs "running counter to Quebec values" because it opposes some of the same things?

Is there a double standard here?

ht: National Newswatch

Also reporting is the National Post... this one gives us more information than the other one above.

"Is Mr. Duceppe setting himself as the arbiter of which Catholics are welcome to run for public office?" asked Sparrow. "Why is Mr. Duceppe trying to dictate who are good Catholics and who are bad Catholics?"

"Who else is on Mr. Duceppe's blacklist? What faiths and organizations are banned from running from public office for Mr. Duceppe?"

And we have M. Duceppe calling Catholics "Those People":

"I'm not saying they don't have the right [to run]. What I am saying is that those people are against a lot of things that are generally accepted in Quebec."
Again, would he like to say the same about Muslims? Would he call them "Those People"? When addressing Catholics, does he say, "You People"?

Well, what do you expect of an ultra-far-left-wing extremist leader of a party that wants to remove Quebec from Canada?

Of course, it's not all that surprising that M. Duceppe would behave like this. After all, it's not exactly considered by the Leftist movement to be politically incorrect or "hateful" to attack persons of the Catholic faith, whose beliefs Leftists find inconvenient to the Leftist agenda. Of course, Leftists practice a double standard and will not dare treat Muslims the same way even though some Islamic beliefs are also contrary to what M. Duceppe is talking about in terms of what he wants us to believe are "Quebec values".

Crosseur. C'est Gilles Duceppe.