Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Desperate Librano$ Spew Malicious Lies, Smears Against Conservatives

Two elitist, out-of-touch-with-reality, isolated-from-the-real-world, ivory-tower egghead leftists: Michael Ignatieff, the hidden-agenda, Machiavellian leader-wannabe, and hapless "leader" Stephane Dion of the Liberals

Story here. ht: National Newswatch

No wonder the Liberals are throwing so much puffin poop these days. They must be going completely bonkers, utterly, totally moonbatshit seeing that the NDP of Wacko Taliban Jacko Lay-it-on is poised to, for the first time ever, replace them as Official Opposition.

I'm addressing the lunatic rantings of the desperate, panicky, lying-like-crazy Librano$ here...

Deputy Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff warned business leaders in Toronto on Monday that Stephen Harper would lead the country into an "economic crisis" if he returns to government.

Did he even start to try to make any case to back up his accusation? No?

Ok then. Neither need I. So I say that if the Liberals come back to power, they'll spend like they did during the Trudeau era and devastate the economy, the Treasury, throw millions out of work, raise taxes...

Now here's where he gets slanderous:

He said a Conservative government would make cuts to health care and pensions, would "devastate" the middle class and make Canada unrecognizable.

Hoo-boy. Ok, then. Since we're not offering any proof of claims we make, aren't going to bother to make our cases, I'll say:

The Liberals would raise taxes massively, impose dozens of billions of dollars worth of wasteful, worthless Big Government spending and programs. They'd destroy the health care system, take away our pensions, take away our human rights, abolish our national defence and security institutions, devastate the middle and lower classes, and return to their agenda of turning Canada into an oppressive, communistic, Islamic kalifate, handing over our land to our enemies to oppress and tyrannize us all. They'll also impose polygamous marriage. They'll impose Sharia Law. The list of fascist stuff they'd do is infinite, so, moving on...

The Liberal plan, meanwhile, would provide "sound money, balanced budgets, low taxes and personal responsibility."

Yeah, sure. And Michael Jackson would make an excellent, morally-pure Scout leader. And "Palestine" will stop being hatefully evil, intolerant and murderously violent. And Vladimir Putin will stop pushing the world to the brink of nuclear warfare.

"They know there's a party at the centre, at the centre of Canadian life, it's called the Liberal Party of Canada. And when they see that party occupying the centre, pushing them off from the right, pushing them off from the left, they vote for us."

Oh, what a big pile of stowed puffin poop! We know that the Liberals aren't "centrist". They're on the ultra-far extreme Left-wing fringes, right there with the Nudies, Greenies, Potheads, the Sex Party, the Communist Party, the Bum-Bouncing Party... their extremely Left-wing behavior during their final thirteen years as a government is all the proof we need that they're Leftist! And their behavior since losing power indicates that they're as Leftist as Leftist can be! No wonder Leftist voters are switching over to other Leftist parties from the Liberals. Too bad they are in denial that they're Leftist, calling the Left the "center".

Is there any doubt that the Liberals are heavily delusional?

Who wants delusional extremists to run their country for them? Only delusional extremists! And, since there's lots of them out there, the Liberals will still get a few votes, though many of their old supporters will be voting for other Loony-Left fringe parties.

Actually, we Conservatives are now laughing at the Liberals.