Sunday, September 21, 2008

Leftist NDP Candidate Got Naked In Front Of Kids

Nudie Julian West was a bad boy. Well, what do you expect from an ultra-far-left-wing extremist?

ht: National Newswatch

An RCMP officer says police received complaints from the camp that West dropped his shorts in front of a group of teens and asked them to paint his body.

That's one that could've had its own link at, which exposes such radical leftists, including leftists who expose themselves in pubic (no, that's not a misspelling!).

That's why I sometimes refer to NDPers as "Nudies". They obviously like to take their clothes off when they shouldn't. Like, y'know, Bill Clinton, etc., etc...

Well, they do have a mental disorder... they're leftists, after all.

Not only NDPers like to do that. Liberal candidate and leader (and, by extension, Prime Minister) wannabe (and former Nudie premier of Ontario) Bob Rae is infamous for some bare-assed moonbattery as well. Which would make it hypocritical of the Liberals to use this old incident against a fellow-leftwingnut in the NDP, as the NDP is accusing the Liberals of doing.

Oh, ok... so a Conservative candidate has been found to have once been bare-assed in her Mayoral office, but at least it was in private, not public. One must wonder who intruded into her computer and found her private pix and distributed them. Could it be a Watergate for the other party? Who knows?

Well, it's all a sideshow thing, all this bare-assedness. At least it's not the thing the MSM is covering the most; now that'd be ridiculous. But one can't help but chuckle a bit, knowing that politicians of all stripes do silly things to differing extents.

Also learned: the further to the left one is, the worse the nature of the indecent exposure... Who cares about the environment? Lookit and paint my wee-wee (or hoo-hoo and juggies)!

I think that leftists are too stupid to realize that showing off their wee-wee (or their hoo-hoo and juggies, depending on who's getting bareassed) rather distracts from the whole issue they claim to be demonstrating about. They, I believe, are just using the "demonstration" as an excuse to satisfy their perversion of exhibitionism.

Funny how the mere mention of nakedness makes people pay attention, isn't it? Well, you read this post, didn't you?