Story here. ht: National Newswatch...
I'd note that, while Blocquistes are all too eager to fearmonger/hatemonger and slur Catholics as harboring scary agendae and planning to do dastardly things, they refuse to criticize radical Muslims running for office in Left-wing parties like, say, the Liberal Party, which is chock full of Islamic supremacists and those who submit to them, including the anti-Semitic Mohammed Elmasry. And the Bloc sees nothing wrong with homosexual supremacist militants within their own party and the other parties.
They single out Catholics for special attacks, hatemongering and persecution for political purposes, to get votes in Quebec, to try to further their terrible agenda of destroying Canada.
So what if the Blocquiste slurring the Opus Dei Catholics is himself Catholic? What about the "Rabbi" who went to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Holocaust-denial conference and happily hugged the murderous anti-Semite? What kind of Rabbi is that? And what kind of Catholic attacks other Catholics like that hidden-agenda Blocqiste "Catholic"?
Who will the intolerant Bloc Quebecois target next?
What is the Bloc's hidden extremist/bigotry agenda?
Quebeckers don't want to send intolerant bigots to Ottawa to represent them. This is why they will turn away from the bigoted Bloc.