Monday, March 02, 2009

Ominous Obama 'Civil Service Corps' Launched


I warned of this... but who listened? Who else reported? Not the Big Media.

Today, it came to my attention, via commentor "Ebby"...

I knew this was going to happen, too. I warned friends and family last summer. Now, not even six weeks into it, I saw a commercial for this new "service corpe" plan. The comment stating he "moves fast" is exactly right. He is implementing scary and frightening policies one by one, every day, at a monumental rate of speed.

So I Googled... nothing, really, until I searched for current blog posts about the topic. And... BINGO! (Read it all and follow the links to understand what's what. However, the "civil liberties examiner" blogger who writes the post does render his own commentary/analysis, towards the end):

Yes, I'm aware that fifty hours of mandatory community service hardly rises to the level of a military draft. It's not even the mandatory universal citizen service his new chief of staff wants to inflict on everybody between the ages of 18 and 25. But it is a top-down mandate by the federal government that students perform state-approved labor.

I personally object to such requirements even when they come from the local school district. I want my kid to learn to volunteer and to contribute to the community, but that means volunteer, and for causes he picks, to the extent that he believes is appropriate, with a little nudging from within the family, not from bureaucrats. Government mandates destroy the whole idea of volunteerism, and the inevitable insistence that service be performed for an approved organization or cause (which is the case with most existing service requirements) is, frankly, a bit totalitarian.

Our children, as well as ourselves, are independent individuals. We are not resources to be drawn upon by politicians. Nor do we owe our labor to the government.

We've had enough of authoritarianism under the Bush administration. We don't need to begin the Obama administration with a dose of involuntary servitude.

Well, something doesn't smell all that sweet, does it, now? What would that be? Obama's agenda. Did Americans know about this when they voted for "change"? Doubtful, as the Big Media didn't talk about it, and the average American voter depends pretty much wholly upon the Big Media for their "information" on political candidates and their agendas.