One of the pictures from the photojournalist essay by El Marco. On the left, a board member of the Hard-Leftwing ACLU holding up a poster of the militant Leftist Ward churchill, the day of jury selection in the suit in which Churchill's suing his former employer for allegedly violating his First Amendment right. How ironic for a guy who wants to literally destroy America and everything it is, including its judicial system!Note that this is one of the tamer pictures. Go to the link for more-freaky-looking, insane supporters of Churchill.
Remember Ward Churchill, the fake-Aboriginal, plagiarist, treasonously anti-America enemy-within professor who called the victims of 9/11 "little Eichmanns"?
Ward Churchill is one of America's most extremely militant left-wing nutcases.
Hardcore Far-Left extremism in the raw! More excellent photojournalism by El Marco of Looking at the Left.
Story and pictures... you just got to see the pictures, too... see the Ward Churchill-backing "progressive" freakazoids, they're getting even more freaky-looking and insane all the time.