I thought the Liberals were so serious that we needed a "stimulus" budget that they, including current interim-leader-unelected Michael "I employ Warren 'The Attack Clown' Kinsella as my Brownshirt Guy" Ignatieff joined forces with the Islamofascist-infiltrated, communistic NDP and the communistic, separatist Bloc Quebecois to threaten to usurp the duly-elected government and steal power and do it themselves!
Now it looks like they really could care less about whether there's any "stimulus" or not!
The Liberals are playing partisan politics with the budget, having their loyal Senators hold it up and refuse to pass it! They do this with a lot of stuff, and now they're doing it with the 'stimulus' budget that they demanded, that they said was critically required right away!
They want to screw the government for being a Conservative one rather than a Liberal one, and will cavalierly screw the country over just so they can gigglingly, childishly poke the Conservatives with a puffin-poo-coated stick!
Once again, the Liberal Party demonstrates that it'll say anything, do anything, to get a political edge, a partisan advantage, and will forsake Canada and Canadians, no matter how much they may be suffering, for the sake of their prime directive of getting back into power to push the agenda of the greedy and of the Far-Left and foreign-enemy special interests who support them from both within and without.
ht: Bourque Newswatch