"Watt's Up With That" takes 'em to task...
Here's the picture to which Mr. Watts was referring:Suzanne Goldenberg recently complained in the UK Guardian about the ICCC (International Conference on Climate Change) global warming “deniers” :The 600 attendees (by the organisers’ count) are almost entirely white males, and many, if not most, are past retirement age. Only two women and one African-American man figure on the programme of more than 70 speakers.
In the UK, profiling like that might be considered a hate crime if it were about any other group other than the one she described. But that isn’t the point. Below is a photo of the vaunted IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change) taken at their last meeting. The spitting image of her description of the ICCC. No doubt Ms. Goldenberg considers the adult white men in the IPCC to be great visionaries, leading the noble fight against climate Armageddon.

Above: The "diversity" of the IPCC bigwigs is readily apparent. A minority of these old white guys aren't wearing glasses. Some have hair, some have bald spots. A couple have beards... If you look closely enough at the background, you might be able to see a non-white fellow or two. Perhaps a couple of women. But how come they're being made to sit in the back? Nice, tolerant, diverse bunch, the IPCC, eh?
So now does that screeching-moonbat lady wish to apologize for being racist, sexist, ageist and hypocritical?