Monday, March 16, 2009

Astute Observations On 'Global Warming' B.S.

Lorne Gunther weighs in...

He opens by discussing the astonishingly all-time-record-breaking (by a LOT) low temperatures happening lately in his neck of the woods and across Canada, etc. (Of course, much of the world is seeing a similar phenomenon).

Does this prove fear of global warming is misplaced? On its own, probably not. But if records were being broken the other way -- if several Alberta centres had recorded their warmest-ever March values -- you can bet there would be no end of hand-wringing, horror stories about how we were on the precipice of an ecological disaster of unprecedented proportions.

That's true. And no denying it. Because it'd be one of those convenient "inconvenient truths" which Al Gore would selectively hold up and bellow about (when the data goes against his theory, he simply pulls the appropriate slides from the projector and doesn't bother to present them, as they're, ironically, pricelessly, inconvenient truths to him and his agenda).

Environmentalists, scientists who advance the warming theory, politicians and reporters never shy away from hyping those weather stories that support their beliefs. But they tend to ignore or explain away stories that might cast doubt.

Yeah. Isn't that telling about these "scientists" who would behave like that? Of course, scientists, like any other professionals, are only human and can therefore be corrupted by lack of ethics and by love of money.

The same is inconveniently true with hurricanes: Hurricane activity has declined, but those who cited the hurricane activity of the past as proof that they were right about "catastrophic climate change" happening aren't today talking about the relative lack thereof. Too inconvenient, I guess!

Global warming is not only no longer happening, it is not likely to resume until 2025 or later, if then. So why are we continuing to hear so much doomsaying about climate change?

There are a lot of people in every age who think they know better than everyone else and, therefore, have a right to tell everyone how to live. In the 1950s, it was country-club and parish council busybodies with their strict moral codes. In the 1970s, it was social democrats with their fanciful economic theories. Today, it's environmentalists.

Perhaps it's really all a Big Lie (based on mostly-improperly-collected temperature data fed into computer models only as good as the assumptions programmed into them by those who designed the programs, perhaps to, via cheating, support their theory, and how do we know that that's not the case?)... designed by arrogant lifestyle dogmatists/supremacists to impose their beliefs of how to live and how not to live... upon us all against our will and with seriously aggravated insult against our intelligence!

Oh, and we can see also that there's lots of money to be made in this big scam. Al Gore himself, for instance, is definitely profiting, both directly and indirectly... so is it any wonder that this bigger-than-life-greenhouse-gas-spewing hypocrite continues to go around behaving like an enraged Donald Duck...


... demanding we think and do as he says?