Finally! Why the hell were our tax dollars being confiscated for the purpose of producing shows about emaciated chicks walking around wearing outrageous getups and about two fancy boys talking about who-cares "fabulous" stuff?
Story here. Be sure to check out the comments section at the bottom of the article. No need to leave a comment if you don't care to, but it might be fun to click on the agree/disagree options beside each one to cast your vote on whether you agree/disagree with the comments left there. The more of y'all who do it, the more likely the CBC moonbats will be shocked...
And to think the CBC wanted a bailout so they could take even more of our hard-earned dollars so they could continue showing silly, unimportant poofy fluff?
That's better, CBC. However, not good enough, I'm afraid. Only privatization will be good enough, plus reeducation for the remaining socialist zombies within...
ht: National Newswatch