He, after all, had to do something to ensure that the Far-Leftwing Opposition axis of the lying, power-and-money-obsessed, scizophrenic, wholly unprincipled, easily-bought Liberals, the communist, Islamic-supremacist-infiltrated NDP and traitorous, communist separatist Bloc never managed to steal power without an election and against the wishes of the vast majority of Canadians from across the spectrum (except for the radically extreme, militant hard-left, of course, who don't believe in democracy nor in human rights and want to rule like Stalin ruled behind the Iron Curtain).
It was imperative to prevent a coup d'etat led by extremists and militants who we know all too well posses a hidden, sinister agenda, and whom we cannot afford to allow to control the levers of power, knowing all too well what happens to countries who have radical socialists take over in revolutions... we cannot afford it, period. Just look at how badly things are going in America with the elected (though reasonably suspected-to-be-an-impostor) Obama! So...
Agreeing to hold his nose and kiss the Liberals' ass in the short run was the thing that sank the Three-Stooges' little axis power-mad group's will to usurp and dictate as totalitarians. It was necessary to make the other two usurper parties mad at the Liberals, though that they trusted the infamously untrustworthy Liberals in the first place is a bizarre thing, for sure!
Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff, in photo, awaits the consequences of the lying he's done ever since being coronated the interim leader just so the Liberals could get rid of his haplessly inept predecessor Stephane "I don't understand; let's do over" Dion...
Of course, one must never forget the disingenousness of the International Man of Mystery, Michael "Iggy" Ignatieff, who's more American in real life than he is Canadian, for he lied to us all through his teeth, saying he was opposed to the coup the whole time, while he actually signed his John Hancock to the "coalition" agreement, acquiescing to their hidden extremist agenda and acceding to the incredible fact that the separatist traitors of the Bloc would be given a veto over all legislation, effectively allowing them to control the direction of Canada as they would see fit. In short, never forget that Michael "Warren Kinsella is my Brownshirted Attack Clown and I'll Never Fire Him" Ignatieff is a liar.
Now as for some of what Mr. Harper said the other day, to remind us all of how much worse things would be today if the Liberals had still been in power...
"Just imagine how different things would have been if the Liberal left had remained in power over the past three years ... imagine how many Liberal insiders and ideologues would now be in the Senate, the courts and countless other federal institutions and agencies. I should say how many more," he said to laughter and applause.
"We are in a global recession principally – and we have to face this – because a lot of people on Wall Street, because a lot of people in the private sector more generally – homeowners or consumers – pushed or bought into a very unconservative idea that they could live beyond their means," he said.
"They didn't tell you the taxes they would raise – we are seeing that in the States now – but they wouldn't have brought in any tax reductions at all."
So if you think the Harper Conservatives have become leftists, think again. Don't turn your back on them, for you must keep realistic perspective in light of current conditions and keep on taking a long-run view.
It pains me when my fellow right-wingers get all critical of the Harper Conservatives, forgetting to use their heads and consider the realities of the current moment and to realize that the current realities will not remain as they are and that things will get better and that conservatism will once again be restored... as long as we keep our cool and not turn our backs on what is arguably the most conservative, sane, moderate, level-headed government in the world today, certainly when observing how radically left the rest of the world has turned compared to Canada under the Harper Conservatives. Really, my fellow righties, we've got it good, considering the unfortunate circumstances, considering how much more badly off the rest of the world is. And don't let the Liberals fool you into thinking they'd be conservative under the circumstances we have today, for the Liberals are infamous for turning into totalitarian communist bastards when it becomes politically convenient to do so. Just remember the Trudeau era... never again can we return to that, unless we want a "Canadian" Obama (Ignatieff) to dictate to us all...
My fellow righties and some who are truly intelligent "centrists", don't turn your back on sanity and intelligence! Don't abandon that which you KNOW was working out ok up until the world economy crashed thanks to hyper-liberal/communistic lending/borrowing practices started by the Clinton Democrats and allowed to continue under the admittedly unconservative Bush administration.
If we turn our back on our principles now, fooling ourselves into believing that the Harper Conservatives have turned left in principle, when the reality is that they had little or no choice short of taking a very dangerous gamble that the Leftist Usurpers might lose their nerve in a game of chicken, which I'd have been tempted to play, but which would have been far more devastating than temporarily acquiescing to demands for a so-called "stimulus" budget that would cause the debt to grow again in the short run. Imagine if the Left had, indeed, stolen power in a wildly unpopular, hated coup, and, realizing that they were screwed in the next election, decided to pull out the Hard-Left stops and copy Obama's horrible policies and so on and so forth...
Keep perspective. Screw your courage to the sticking point. Do not panic, nor despair. Be stoic and patient. Ride out the terrible storm. Your level-headedness in sticking to your guns throughout bad times will pay off soon enough. I know this! Trust me! I will not lie to you!
Related: Canadian Conservatism Lives, Says Preston Manning