Sounds like a paranoid conspiracy theorist speaking, perhaps a virulent anti-Semitic propagandist going around spreading a Big Lie, doesn't it?
The guy with the silly hat-and-scarf getup and the shades is Khaled Mouammar, bigwig of the disgraced, anti-Semitic Canadian Arab Federation, who has demanded that Canada de-list Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist groups and replace them with the Israel Defence Forces. Oh, and he's also called Cabinet Minister Jason Kenney a "whore".
His organization is now considered by the Canadian government to be a hate group unworthy of taxpayer funding.
Nice guy, eh? Kinda like the other guy, the one in the leather coat, screaming with fists clenched. That guy was the Nazis' chief propagandist and was responsible for the whole Big Lie campaign against the Jews, a monstrous defamation plot which led to the Holocaust. Oh, and his name was Josef Goebbels.
Mr. Mouammar sent the e-mail to about 20 Arab organizations across Canada at the end of last week, in a bid to marshal forces against the alleged campaign.
Sound familiar?
"The Zionist campaign is being waged by the Canadian Jewish Congress and B'nai Brith supported by some politicians," his e-mail said, adding that the movement "was developed after the Lebanon war of July, 2006, to suppress all criticism of Israel and equate it with anti-Semitism."Well, I posted on this guy, myself, blasting him for his rabid intolerance and paranoia, for his incitement to hatred and contempt against Jews.
I guess I'm therefore a part of the Zionist conspiracy, too. Hey, cool! Look at me, folks, I'm a Zionist co-conspirator! Awesome! Hee-yah! Oh, and a lot of bloggers out there are, too. Ok, further...
"This e-mail, by specifically naming the Canadian Jewish Congress and B'nai Brith, again shows he does not just disdain Zionists, but the Jewish community as a whole," said Alyhhan Velshi, a spokesperson for Mr. Kenney, who did not receive a copy of the e-mail.
"It's the ugliest, most vile sort of language. It's not surprising to us that he is again engaged in this sort of reprehensible rhetoric trying to pit community against community."
Bernie Farber of the Canadian Jewish Congress weighs in, too...
"Jews are all too familiar with conspiracy theories, we have been the victims of conspiracy theories for a long time in history," he said. "I speak more out of sadness than anger. This was a once-proud organization that has turned into nothing but a group whose sheer focus seems to be to attack Jews and Israel."
Paging Warren Kinsella... hey, Catmeat! Kim Sheila! Slappy Clown! (That's him below)
Warren!!! There's anti-Semites, neo-Nazis if you will, led by a "white"-looking, self-labelled "Orthodox Christian" going around spreading conspiracy theories against the Jews and calling for a "marshalling of forces" against the minority group! OMG! Hate!!!! Must... stop... hate!!!! Whatcha gonna do, grab your camera-cellphone and hide in a toilet stall in a Chinese restaurant? Or what? Whose side are you on? Why don't you blast the Judeophobic bigot on your blog? Aren't you for real? Oh, wait... no. You're a phony, not an "anti-hate" "crusader" of any sort; it's all partisan political-ideological B.S., plus it makes brain-dormant "progressives" think you're, well, "hot shit from hell" or something... I guess you like the adulation of stupid "progressives" who don't know better... my, how pathetic. Phony man. Fake.
ht: National Newswatch