Just because he was a Christian who was rumored to have loved a woman. A Muslim woman.
Shocking, but not surprising, report here.
The events took place in the village of Dmas Meet-Ghamr after a rumor spread of a relationship between the 25-year-old Copt, Shehata Sabri, and the sister of a Muslim man named Yasser Ahmed Qasim.
Qasim allegedly poured gasoline over Sabri and set him on fire as bystanders looked on in horror. The young Copt threw himself into the adjacent canal to try to put out the flames. The fire left burns all over his body, leading to his death.
After the attack, the Coptic community rallied in the village. When Sabri Shehata, the father of the victim, arrived, he, too, was attacked by a group of Muslims who stabbed him with knives and daggers; one stab penetrated his back and came out of his abdomen below the rib cage, resulting in his death.
Rami Sabri Shehata, the 22-year-old brother of the burning victim, was also beaten and sustained serious injury to the head.
Down, down, DOWN with Islamic supremacists! Let's have a Crusade against Islamic supremacism and supremacists! They must be stopped! Stop lying about them, stop defending these horrifically violent haters and just stop them!
Enough! No more Islamic supremacism, intolerance, hate and murderous violence! Treat them like we treat neo-Nazis, Skinheads, white supremacists, Nazi war criminals, violent homophobes, women-beaters-and-beheaders, etc!
Ban Islamic hatred from being spewed anywhere, including Mosques and Islamic schools, in the Free World, and jail any violators! Sic the ACLU and the Human Rights Commissions on them! Sic the Big Media and the judicial system on them!
Anyone who calls this post "hate" is lying and wrong and is themselves a red-hot-eyed hater who hates Christians and believes it's fine to light them on fire, stab them, bludgeon them just for being Christian and exercising their human rights... so watch what you say, stupid dhimmi "progressives"!
Below: Another Coptic Christian being evilly beaten by murderously supremacist Muslims in Egypt