Above: Here I am looking for more ways to make fun of Warren Kinsella, aka Slappy the Clown, aka Kim Sheila, aka Catmeat...
How ironic and hypocritical. What's a guy who libelled President Bush as an "international terrorist" doing going around suing folks for fair comment?
Again with the feline imagery, oh, yes... he'll never live down his Sinophobic slur...
Sue, sue, sue... that's the obsessive-compulsive agenda of Warren Catmeat Slappy Clown Kim Sheila Kinsella. So what else is new? Sue, sue, sue... Yawwwwnnnn... umm, num, num... I think I'll go watch paint dry...ht: National Newswatch
Click to enlarge.
Below: Ah, relax, buddy. The clown can't slap you. He's a harmless dummy who ain't for real.

Here's me again, rolling around laughing my tail off, going, "I slay me! Stupid Liberals are sooooo hilarious... watching their clownish antics is sooooo meoh-ho-ho-howww! Oh, nooooes... I done wetted muh fur!"