Oh, yes. The Liberals are nervous. They know that the inconvenient truth about leader Michael Ignatieff is soon going to be playing on a TV set near you.
Notice, in the reporting by the CTV, that they never once mentioned anything about any controversy with respect to Mr. Kinsella, despite the fact that the blogosphere is abuzz at all times about Kinsella bringing disrepute upon the Liberals and their leader by going around behaving like a Nazi Brownshirt (Sturmabteilung).
The Brownshirts, recruited from various rough elements of society, were founded by Adolf HITLER in Munich in 1921. Fitted out in brown uniforms reminiscent of Mussolini's BLACKSHIRTS, they figured prominently in organized marches and rallies. Their violent intimidation of political opponents and of Jews played a key role in Hitler's rise to power. From 1931 the SA was led by a radical anti-capitalist, Ernst Röhm.
Anti-capitalist. Sound familiar? See- the Nazis were LEFTISTS! SOCIALISTS! Just like Liberals!
It bears mentioning that the leadership of the Brownshirts was later executed by the Schutzstaffel (SS), in what is known as the "Night of the Long Knives".
One of these nights, Ignatieff will have to take the long knives out for his own brownshirts. I predict he will, and fire the clown Kinsella.
"I give (Tories) grudging credit. It worked before," said Warren Kinsella, who is on deck to run the Liberal war room, including the quick response team, during the next election campaign.
(...)While the cash-starved Liberal party can't match a massive Tory radio or TV ad campaign, strategists say they would launch "tough and swift" counter-attacks through the mainstream media and the Internet.
They would aim to factually counter the Tory attacks, but insist they don't want to get into tit-for-tat mudslinging. They want Ignatieff to continue imparting a positive message, in contrast to Prime Minister Stephen Harper's penchant for ruthless partisanship.
"Hope always beats fear and all that Stephen Harper knows is the fear button," said Kinsella.
Excuse me? Kinsella's talking about hope and fear? Oh, of course. He's, after all, an Obama worshipper and his modus operandi is to strike fear in the hearts of his individual opponents by threatening and bullying them, slapping them with phony libel-notice letters and bogus lawsuits to intimidate them into shutting up, into curtailing their inconvenient truth-telling and fair commentary about him, the Liberals and Leader Michael Ignatieff.
Kinsella also goes around threatening organizations with "significant consequences" should they fail to do as he demands.
Kinsella has been caught uttering hateful comments about women in politics (they shouldn't be in politics, he suggested), about Chinese-Canadian restaurants (they serve cat meat)... and he's obsessed with bashing a very tiny, minuscule number of marginalized "white" people for alleged hatred and nastiness while ignoring the likes of Islamofascists who go around making Skinheads and neo-Nazis look like pussies and getting away with it. He also likes to publicly make fun of (or "spread hatred and contempt" about) peoples' religious convictions, as long as it's Christian. He believes in state control over what the People can say.
The Big Question is being asked: Are Warren Kinsella's incessant brownshirted tactics against various inconveniently-opinionated and inconvenient-truth-telling non-Liberal folks and organizations...are they all on his own behalf or is it on the behalf of leader Michael Ignatieff and the Liberal Party of Canada?
Interesting that the Big Media remains uncurious about it all. If a Conservative staffer was going around threatening people and groups with "significant consequences" for failure to submit to his oppressive demands, either on his own or his leader's/party's behalf, you can rest assured that the Big Media would be all over the story all day, every day!
Warren Kinsella is a hypocrite for accusing the Prime Minister of "knowing nothing but the fear button". Kinsella presses the damn button all the damn time!
Besides, what's wrong with going over the heads of an uncurious, anti-Conservative, pro-Liberal-biased Big Media who refuses to report the inconvenient truth about the Liberals and their leader and their leader's brownshirter? What's wrong with telling Canadian voters the truth about the Liberal Party and their leader?
If voters come to fear the Liberal Party and leader Michael Ignatieff it's because they've learned the inconvenient truth about them which the Big Media is refusing to tell them (just as it refused to tell Americans about all the scary stuff about Obama while simultaneously telling them all sorts of lies and smears against Sarah Palin, gleefully reporting on brain-disordered celebrities hatefully screaming and spitting nasty propaganda, like brownshirted lunatics, about Ms. Palin just because she wasn't a neo-Communist like them).
I note that the Liberals plan to use the Big Media as their return-fire weapon. Interesting, that. So does this mean that the Big Media is poised and ready to aid and abet the Liberal War Room, as if it was a part thereof? Is the Big Media prepared to aid and abet Warren Kinsella and the Liberal War Room? Like, again?
Who says the Big Media isn't protective of the Liberals? They're clearly protecting the Liberals by withholding inconvenient truths about them and their leader Ignatieff, which is precisely why the Conservatives are forced to spend millions out of their own pockets to go over the Big Media's heads to tell these inconvenient truths to an electorate which so far has been left in the dark and fed crap by the Big Media.
Actually, the fact of the matter is that the Liberals are nervous about the inconvenient truth getting out. What specific inconvenient truths are in the offing? They're going nuts with suspense, neither aware of content nor of timing of these inconvenient-truth mini-documentary commercials about the Liberals, leader Ignatieff, and perhaps the hateful "Catmeat" himself.
Of course, you realize this means war.
-Bugs Bunny