Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Mohawks Practicing Ethnic Cleansing

Yes, that title is appropriate, as what's going on does actually fit the definition of ethnic cleansing.

Read about it for yourself.

"Too many non-natives"

Gave 25 non-natives 10 days to leave or be forcibly evicted
About 25 non-natives — mostly white people involved in relationships with Mohawks — are being asked to leave the reserve because Mohawk law does not allow them to live there, said Joe Delaronde, spokesman for the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake.
RACISM!  By Mohawks!  "First Nations" people!

What a reversal, eh?

First there was the illegal, unconstitutional Caledonia Occupation.  Now there's Kahnawake.

Behold the ominously frightening statement:
"We trust that you understand the seriousness of this letter and that you will govern yourselves accordingly."

"We are very concerned about protecting our identity because at a certain point, the Canadian government will look at us and say: 'You are not even Indians,'" Delaronde said. "We are very proud of our heritage and protective about it. We don't have a whole hell of a lot of it left. This is part of revitalizing the community."
Oh, my... you can't get much more racist than that, can you?  What if, instead of Indians saying it, it was a community of white folks?  What then???

Also, this reminds me of the so-called "Right of Return" falsely claimed by the Muslim "Palestinians", a "right" invented for the purpose of destroying the Jewish identity of Israel.  Why is this dishonest plot by "Palestinian" Islamic-Supremacist Jew-haters seen by the Left, the "International Community" and the Big Old Media as ok?
"We are responding to what the community wants," Delaronde said.
Oh?  What if a "white" community said they wanted something like that?  What would you, Delaronde, say about that?  What if they wanted to evict 25 Mohawks "because they're not white and because the community is losing its white identity and proud heritage"???

From now on, unless the "First Nations" community moves immediately to condemn very strongly this racism by this Mohawk community, then we shall never again listen to charges of "racism" coming from the "First Nations" politicians and activists, although we will still listen to legitimate, as opposed to extremist, grassroots "First Nations" members.

Further, if it's said that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms allows this racism, then the Charter is racist and must be amended immediately, or the abrogatory and racist passage(s) allowing this racism and ethnic cleansing must be declared in court to be invalid.


glasnost said...

...non-natives — mostly white people involved in relationships with Mohawks — are being asked to leave the reserve ...Mohawk law says that non-natives can't live on the reserve...

I wonder how Mowhawk law deals with the Mischlinge.

Canadian Sentinel said...

I doubt they'd have a problem with the Mischlinge. Obviously. They make it clear what kind of people they are. Might as well have a Mohawk Schutzstaffel to enforce the eviction order.

Anonymous said...

Simple remedy, every white man, woman and child from this day forward does not spend one red CANADIAN cent on, in, or related to goods and or services that may benefit the Mohawk community! If a CANADIAN white man, woman or child is not considered good enough for the Mowhawk community then neither should their money be. Oh and if a Mowhawk comes to CANADIAN Tire to purchase an item I suggest the owner refuse to make a sale, we wouldn't want to upset Mowhawk tradition and pollute their community with white CANADIAN products would we.