Story here. Yep. They're partying "nearly nightly" on Americans' dime whilst Americans suffer from the recession.
Yep. They're like, hey, we're the big shots around here, and we're inviting all the cool kids to par-tay so they'll like us and we'll be popular and all that crap...
"Barack and Michelle Obama have been throwing taxpayer funded parties nearly every night with their 'friends' and supporters, with Michelle Obama even exhorting them not to 'break' White House property," Klayman's announcement said.
"This party atmosphere sends the wrong message to the American people. As the Obama-Clinton crowd party on, the American people are suffering greatly," Klayman said.
"It was right to criticize corporate execs for using taxpayer bailout money on bonuses and corporate junkets. In the face of this criticism, it is an outrage for Barack and Michelle Obama to party on, as Rome burns. It's like throwing a party at a funeral," he said.
"You would have felt like a fool talking about politics at this party," said Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-D.C., said after one major event. "I was surprised how much of a social event it was and how little of a political occasion it was."
"We haven't seen this kind of entertaining in a really long time," Dee Dee Myers, former White House press secretary to Bill Clinton, said in the report.
And just for the (shit from) hell of it... The ruddy-complexioned, sweaty, nasty-looking man giving the finger while wearing a t-shirt defaming former President Bush? Some call him "Catmeat". Not one of the invitees to the hedonistic W.H. bashes, but I thought I'd include this party-pic of him just 'cause he's an Obama worshipper and he also likes to party wildly when not going around hunting for imaginary "Nazis" in bathrooms, slurring identifiable groups and threatening to sue people nearly nightly. Oh, and he, I understand, leads the Liberal Party War Room and takes orders from leader Michael Ignatieff, who's also an Obama worshipper...