There are so many things the People, particularly the voting public, deserve to know about the man the Big Media is trying to fool them, as they fooled Americans with Obama, into believing is somehow made of prime ministerial material, is somehow squeaky clean. However, now I learn that ad airstrikes on Iggy are finally in the offing.
The Tories already have anti-Ignatieff ads ready to air at a moment's notice, and are also combing through a lifetime's worth of musings from his career as a public intellectual.
All the BBC programs Ignatieff hosted, C-Span call-in shows he participated in, and books he wrote are being sifted for ammunition to be used before and during the next campaign.
Conservatives say that after Ignatieff won the leadership they made a strategic choice to spare him the torment they directed at his predecessor Stephane Dion - but only temporarily.
Timeout! Hey, Yahoo! News, Ignatieff did NOT "win" the leadership! He was handed, by the Party elites, the leadership on a silver platter without having to fight a campaign against those who also wanted the post. Do your homework! Really, you sound like some lazy, pajama-clad blogger... or is this what Yahoo! News really is, somebody or a bunch of folks blogging in pajamas or underwear, pretending to be a news site? Sheesh- the Leftwing Media, who needs them? The bloggers are doing a better job. Look, I know that Iggy didn't "win" the leadership, and they don't know!
Anyway, the Conservatives held off Iggypoo for purely tactical reasons, a temporary ceasefire of sorts, if you will. Tactical. Not any laziness on the Tories' part, mind y'all:
They needed Ignatieff's support in a do-or-die budget vote and heeded his warning at a December news conference to lay off the attacks. The Conservative War Room is welcome to use my blog for ideas. Go right ahead!Read it all.
Come on, guys... it's time to start redirecting your shots from your feet to the other side! Look, they're getting away with everything, thanks to their comrades in the Big Media, who swoon over and protect from inconvenient truths the Igmeister as if he was The One Who Can Do No Wrong.
Let's make no mistake, folks, the Liberals deserve to be bombarded with the inconvenient truth from which they've been protected so far by the Big Media, who steadfastly refuse to do their job and be fair and balanced. With rare exceptions, like now-Senator Mike Duffy, who had the uncommon-for-a-Big-Media-type courage and was fair and balanced enough to broadcast Liberal Leader Stephane Dion's do-over interview. Rarely, after all, will the Big Media tell the Canadian voters the inconvenient truth about BOTH Conservatives and Liberals.
Clearly, the Big Media has once again dropped the ball, which was picked up by the bloggers.
I hope one of the ads will focus on Iggy's relationship with Warren Kinsella, his chief strategist, who has been caught uttering a racial slur and attempting to threaten (guess Catmeat forgets that the Chretien tyranny is long over and that these brutal tactics don't work anymore) the TVO with "significant consequences" if they didn't do what he wanted, among many other clownish foibles, yet enjoys the confidence of a suspiciously stupid, clueless Ignatieff.
Perhaps Iggy isn't all that smart after all- maybe it's really just a myth, like Obama's supposed intelligence.
Maybe Iggy is, like Barry-O, a creation of the Media.
Maybe Iggy is just pompous, arrogant and verbally-diarrheic, all traits common to many "academics", which lead the lazy-minded to believe that one is smart, without looking more closely at the actor.
It's time to put Michael Ignatieff under a magnifying glass. Finally. No one should ever get a free ride into power. After all, remember when Hitler got a free ride to power, a free ride from the Big Teutonic Media, egged on by Goebbels? Look what happened! And look what's happening in America, now that they've got the free-riding Obama for President!