Story here.
ht: James B.
It's well known that Khaled Mouammar wants Ottawa to remove Hamas and Hezbollah from a list of banned organizations and replace them with the Israel Defence Forces.
It's well known that the president of the Canadian Arab Federation recently called Jason Kenney, the Minister of Immigration, a "professional whore" for supporting Israel and criticizing the presence of Hamas and Hezbollah flags at a recent protest, prompting Mr. Kenney to say he would review the CAF's federal funding.
But it is less well known that Mr. Mouammar spent the 11 years prior to February, 2005, sitting as a member of the Immigration and Refugee Board, deciding whether refugee claimants from such North African countries as Morocco, Egypt, Algeria and Somalia should be allowed to stay in Canada.
"Khaled Mouammar was a Liberal political appointee to the IRB, who I gather has deep links in that party. His appointment by the Liberals illustrates the ways in which they abused the IRB appointment process, which we have reformed," he said. Candidates for IRB appointment must now pass through a thorough vetting process conducted by the IRB administration, he added.
Read the rest of the shocking story on this piece of crap. Then flush and light a match... 'cause he totally reeks!
It's hard to believe, as the report indicates, that this hateful asshole is supposedly an "Orthodox Christian". I believe Saint Peter will have some hard questions for him one day... unless he's going somewhere else and won't see Saint Peter at all...
Khaled Mouammar, no taxpayer money soup for you!
Liberals... sheesh!