Thursday, May 07, 2009

Opposition Acts Instantly At Obama Pedophile Protection Act
Pedophile "foreplay": Why do Barack Hussein Obama and the US Democrats want to protect people like that Islamic cleric and actually put America onto the slippery slope to the legalization of pedophila and ALL "sexual" deviancies and depravities, no matter how immoral and harmful?

The Extreme Left's slippery-slope campaign to eventually legalize pedophilia and all other sexual depravities and deviancies, no matter how immoral, harmful-to-others-and-to-society and evil they may be, must be stopped in its tracks. The U.S. Senate must be told very seriously to NOT approve this dangerous, destructive, Far-Left Extremist legislation.

Story here.

For only $10.95, any member of the public can send letters to all 100 senators, individually addressed and "signed" by the sender. The letters ask for a written response and call for opposition to the bill, including by filibuster if necessary.

"In the first 12 hours of this campaign alone, 500 orders were placed," said Joseph Farah, founder and chief executive officer of WND. "That represents 50,000 actual letters to be distributed to 100 U.S. senators the next day. At the rate these orders are being placed, I would estimate we will see as many as 10,000 orders before we close out the offer. That will represent 1 million letters, all delivered by overnight express, to the 100 people who will decide the fate of this bill."

The body of the letter says:

"I am writing to urge you to do all in your power to oppose passage of S.909, also known as 'The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act.'

"Passage of this bill by the U.S. Senate would be reckless and irresponsible not only because of the 'chilling effect' it would have on First Amendment-guaranteed rights to free speech, but also because it would provide, for the first time ever, special legal protections for pedophiles and other sexual offenders.

"This bill would more appropriately be called 'The Pedophile Protection Act.'

"The evidence for this extraordinary statement comes directly from debate in the House, when a simple amendment to exempt pedophiles from the protections offered by the bill were rejected.

"I write to warn you that those who support it, or allow it to become the law of the land with a fight, will be held accountable at election time.

"If there was ever a time for the Senate to stand and fight with a filibuster, that time is now. We are calling for members of the Senate, Republicans and Democrats alike, to stop S. 909.

"Stop 'The Pedophile Protection Act' dead in its tracks – now.

"Please respond to me in writing as to whether you intend to oppose this dangerous bill – including by filibuster if necessary."
Send your letter of opposition now to all 100 senators by overnight delivery.

Photo below: Russian tyrant Vladimir Putin, walking through a crowd, suddenly goes to a small boy and molests him in this infamous photograph of immoral insanity. Are Barack Hussein Obama and the US Democrats trying to import Putinist-Socialist depravity and social destructivism to America?