Thursday, April 15, 2010

Poll: Obama Tied With Ron Paul

You know Obama's unpopular when as many folks would rather have the bizarre weirdo Ron Paul as President as would have Obama.

The fact that even Ron Paul is a desirable alternative to one isn't positive for anyone.

Of course, if they had asked whether folks would rather have, say, Peter Griffin, than Obama, I suspect there'd be a similar response.


CPhu said...

I rather have Stewie for president instead of Obama. LOL

Canadian Sentinel said...

I dunno 'bout that. Stewie's no less evil than Bamma. But at least Stewie doesn't try to hide who he really is...

mikeyaustudent said...

Ron Paul seems weird to most Canadians. We worship at the altar of big government. Imagine someone advocating limited government,sound money, abolishing the central bank, taking drug use out of the criminal code, bringing the military home and not using it as hired muscle on behalf of Wall st corporations,(his most dangerous idea). Outrageous.I thank God every day Canada has no equivalent to Dr Paul.