Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Still Sizing Up Obama

Radical Muslims for Obama

(Emphasis mine)

With its similarity to popular online sites such as Facebook and MySpace and its links to a network of grassroots blogs, Barack Obama’s campaign website has been hailed as a testament to the candidate’s transformative politics. But at least part of the senator’s online outreach, “Muslim Americans for Obama ’08,” proposes installing Muslim prayer areas in public places and giving Muslims time off for prayer and has denounced Obama’s colleagues in the U.S. Senate who happen to be Jewish. This segment of Obama's online outreach also has ties to unindicted co-conspirators in terror trials and has recruited Obama supporters from among the ranks of fundamentalist Muslim extremists.


Within the events section, a number of the listings pertain to conferences and conventions being sponsored by organizations that have a number of troubling ties. One is the 44th Annual ISNA National Convention, held in Rosemont, Illinois.

ISNA or the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) was recently named an “Unindicted Co-conspirator” for a Dallas trial that dealt with the funding of millions of dollars to Hamas. Beginning in December 2003, ISNA was the subject of a Senate investigation into the financing of terror groups overseas. The group currently uses its website to propagate violent hatred against Jews and Christians.


If Sen. Obama truly is worthy of the presidency of the United States, he should publicly distance himself from these extremist groups and individuals. And if he does not want his campaign to be seen as hospitable to radical voices, he should sever his ties with the blog that provides credible evidence for this charge.

More... Much more in the way of ties to radical Islamists, I'm afraid...

I'm afraid there's a lot of troubling ties to extremists, regarding Barack Obama. Why isn't the mainstream media looking at these ties?

I'd hope that, should Mr. Obama become the Democratic nominee for President, this information will be fairly aired and dealt with.

I mean, think about it. If a Presidential candidate had ties to the KKK and Neo-Nazis, then, for sure it'd be exposed by the MSM and his/her chances of becoming President would be shattered. Need I really explain why?

So many ties to radical Islam... well, if I were American, I'd hope the nominee would be Hillary Clinton, for, scary as she is, at least her ties are mostly to Communists and crooked characters, something far easier to deal with than radical Islam.