Advisory: This post is one of opinion (plus some stinging wit) and isn't to be considered as any sort of statement of fact, any more than is Mr. Kinsella's own opinion. While I certainly wouldn't want to unduly make anyone look any worse than they've already, via word and action, made themselves look in the eye of some beholders, I also wouldn't back down from a good, partisan, ideological political battle such as this one over the question of our fundamental rights and freedoms, which is as important to me as it obviously is to Warren, and about which we, as on many other issues, have a strong difference of opinion.
If I cannot ask questions about what might be going on in Warren's head when he says the things that he says, then he cannot ask questions, and certainly not make inferences, about anyone else, such as a Conservative politician, either. If he can do it, I must necessarily be able to do it, too.
While I do use rather strong language, that's just my style, and one mustn't read anything into that. It's just partisan, ideological sparring, something I know that Warren loves, and that I'm sure he wouldn't want to back away from as long as both sides are judicious in the words used.
I hope Warren, if he's reading this, understands that no ill will is actually intended, that if any intent exists, it's only with respect to the issues and to partisan battling. No personal inferences are to be construed. Ok, here goes...
Warren Kinsella recently wrote a piece (of whatever, you decide!) in the National Post. Why they pay him to write for them, I'll never understand.
His argument was that we must maintain a subsection of the "Human Rights" Act which apparently allows the Liberal Fascist so-called Canadian "Human Rights" Commission to take away the rights of whomever they want, to intimdate them, censor them, terrorize them and take away a lot of their money... just for "offending" someone (or just for merely being accused of doing so, regardless of lack of evidence).
What kind of Canada does Warren Kinsella, therefore, want? Draw your own conclusions.
One in which Islamofascists and other haters get away with "hate" speech but others are jackbooted by the so-called "Human Rights" Commission? Sorry, but I can't help but openly wonder! Warren did, after all, write that article, and made me worry. Maybe another article is in order in which Warren affirms that Islamofascistic hatemongerers, for example, must also be hauled before the "Human Rights" Commission... to clarify and put our minds at ease that he's tolerant and unequivocally believes in equal rights for all Canadians, regardless of whatever! I want him to publicly denounce Syed Soharwardy for promoting hateful, intolerant Sharia Law and Mohammed Elmasry (a fellow Liberal, I understand) for advocating the murder of all Israelis over 18 and recommend that the "Human Rights" Commission go after them for potentially exposing people to hatred and contempt. If he has already done this, then my hat's off to him!
Look, Warren... either we take everyone's rights away without discrimination, or we take away no one's rights. Either everyone has a right to free speech based on fair comment, questioning and critical analysis, or no one does. We can't discriminate on the basis of, say, skin color or, say, whether one is a Muslim or not. It would go against Canadian values and the Charter. Surely you must agree!
Sure, those horrible, disgusting "white" supremacists want that subsection abolished. But to keep it is to, de-facto, protect the Islamic supremacists and the sexual-extremist supremacists, for example, as when we see that, in practice, these folks spew hate speech, we don't see the HRC take their rights away along with their money, ruining their lives like they're trying to ruin, for example, Ezra Levant's life for simply exercising his Charter-guaranteed right to freedom of expression via fair comment.
What, do you love Islamic supremacists despite hating "white" supremacists? Do you hate white people, despite being one yourself? Are you like fellow Liberal Fascists Noam Chomsky and George Soros, who hate themselves for being of Jewish heritage and actually side with the Islamic Fascists, who hate, incite hatred and murder against them? Sorry, Warren, but you made me wonder. I'm not saying you're some kind of monster here, but you do make me worry, and I have a right to ask you for reassurance without being threatened. I would hope you wouldn't sink so low as to threaten people for making fair comment and asking uncomfortable questions of you, as you do all the time of others!
I just can't stand this stupid asshat Warren Kinsella. I find him nasty and hypocritical. And I wish he'd much, much more strongly, clearly demonstrate that he believes that all people are to be treated equally and that we can't take away peoples' rights just because we find what they say to be inconvenient. Warren himself can confirm to us that he believes in equality of all under and before the law, without discrimination, and reassure us that he's not someone we need to fear. I hope he does this, rather than trying to intimidate us into shutting up and surrendering our right to free speech based on fair comment, questioning and analysis.
I will not surrender my human and constitutional rights as a Canadian, and I pity the fool who tries to take them away!
I say no kind of supremacism is ok, without exception. If we're going to persecute one kind of supremacist, we have to persecute all kinds, but this isn't happening.
Liberal Fascism is obviously an ideology which allows its practitioners to denounce some anti-Semitic assholes (like the "Stormfront" "white" assholes) but not denounce other kinds of anti-Semitic assholes (like Syed Soharwardy and Mohammed Elmasry). Liberal Fascists want to have the convenience of being able to be hypocrites.
Here's someone else who thinks Warren Kinsella's full of shit. That fellow points out to Warren that, like Warren, the "white" supremacists/Nazis are opposed to the war in Afghanistan, too. Interesting. This means that Warren is, on Afghanistan, in agreement with the "white" supremacists he wants to jackboot around. Of course, the Islamic supremacists also oppose the war in Afghanistan. I guess all supremacists, therefore, oppose the war in Afghanistan! Hell, all these supremacist pieces of Shit From Hell oppose the war in Afghanistan, obviously!
By the way, I take no lessons from someone who infamously would dare to mock another's religious beliefs. Isn't mocking peoples' beliefs a form of "hatred"? The CHRC will think so, I believe!
Those living in glass houses...