Thursday, February 14, 2008

Mirroring Warren Kinsella

On the far left is Warren Kinsella shortly after arising in the morning.

He grunts to himself, "Who should I demonize, who should I call a racist today?"

Then, clad in his tinfoil pants, he lumbers on over to his computer, practically dragging his hairy Neanderthal knuckles on the floor, to compose a typically short and sour blog post with a few links, often to posts of persons of whom he's insanely jealous, especially women much smarter than himself, and a few nonsensical blah-blah-blahs about imaginary demons, monsters and Nazis in boys' bathrooms and wherever else he imagines they may lurk.
He puts virtually no thought into it. He doesn't expand upon any of his blah-blahs, doesn't try to explain what he means, let alone make a case with reason and logic to support his contentions that so and so is a "racist" and so-and-so is a "bigot" and so on.
To make it easier for Warren to understand, here, I'll pretend I'm him...
Blah blah blah racist blah blah blah bigot blah blah blah homophobe blah blah blah white supremacist blah blah blah hater blah blah blah blah. Look at me; I'm so sexy and you're not... Look at me; I'm so smart and you're not... Look at me; I'm a Nazi-hunter and you're not... Look at me; I'm a human rights champion and you're not... blah blah blah... hyuck-hyuck-hyuck awwwwooooo!
So that's pretty much the gist of Warren Kinsella's blog posts.
Ok, I'm sorry; I'll move on to stuff that really matters and leave the poor little man alone. He obviously has enough problems anyway...