Well, at least finally poor li'l Stephane Dion will be able to make a decision, even if it isn't his own!
"We hear now that ... Chretien and Jean Pelletier, his former chief of staff, are telling him it's a matter of credibility, that he can't support the government any more and that the timing would be right," Jean Lapierre told CTV's Question Period on Sunday.
"I think (Chretien) will have a greater influence on Mr. Dion than any member of caucus," he said.
Looks like Dion will order his minions to defeat the government over the budget of February 26th, meaning an election for late March/early April.
But guess what, Librano$$$? We're ready to rumble.
Already, it's becoming clear that the Conservatives have pictures of the Liberals with their pants down.
"It's time for the Liberals to come clean with Canadians on how they would pay for these spending promises," he said.
(They'd raise taxes and plunge the country into deficit)
A television ad shows Dion making a number of spending commitments. At least one clip about where Dion talked about "megatonnes of money" may actually from a speech where he was saying how much money could be made by shifting to a lower-carbon economy.
"We can hardly be faulted if it doesn't look like leadership; it looks like confusion and it looks like spending promises that will drive our country into debt," Prentice said.
Yep. Dion's confused. He confuses destroying the economy at the goading of Al Gore and David "Throw politicians into jail" Suzuki with building the economy. Well, he's not an economics professor, that's for sure!
And what of all that scaremongering of economic slippage of which we hear? There's no evidence whatsoever that there's any economic slippage! In fact, the evidence indicates quite the opposite!
Oh, don't worry, my fellow right-thinking Canadians. Regardless of polls, regardless of the confusion of the Liberals and the media, we're bloody well ready and prepared. We're armed to the teeth...
And now we know that the scary old duo of Chretien and Pelletier, those bullying old Liberal Fascists we cursed during the "Gay" Nineties, are in control of the Liberal Party again... so we have every excuse to kick them when they're down (they'd do it to us, and they always did!).