h/t: NationalNewswatch
Story here.
It appears that the Competition Bureau has been behaving badly and not following the rules in its abusive, bullying treatment of Canada's breweries.
Justice Anne Mactavish took a strip out of Competition commissioner Sheridan Scott, accusing her office of breaching its duty to the court to disclose information, which prompted Industry Minister Jim Prentice to call on Ms. Scott for an explanation.
Sounds like Liberal-era bureaucrats are behaving as if they're still enjoying the protection of a Liberal government from sanction against acting like fascists towards innocent Canadians and Canadian businesses. Of course the Bureau will claim to have "determined" that they "discharged our obligations appropriately." What do we expect from arrogant, cavalierly uncaring Liberal-era bureaucrats who're used to the old-style "culture of entitlement" and are used to getting away with bullying tactics against law-abiding Canadians?
Sooner or later, the so-called "Human Rights" Commission will have to go. Not just its head, but the whole thing, as it's nothing more than an expensive, fascist, yet-to-be-amputated banded-arm of the bygone Liberal-era fascist state apparatus.
The mainstream media is trying to make Canada's New Government look like the bully for daring to clean the rot from the rotten state apparatus it inherited. But that's par for the course, as the MSM always tends to protect its Liberal Fascist brethren.
We really do need to get rid of the stench of Liberal Fascist Communism in Canada if we're to become a truly "progressive" nation. We can't have the state going around bullying and taking away peoples' and businesses' rights. That's the sort of thing that's only supposed to happen in, say, China, Russia, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Saudi Arabia... you name the fascist regime, that's who the Liberal regime tried desperately to be like!
Getting rid of a bygone fascist regime's lingering state apparatus nodes to eradicate their fascism and allow Canada to progress forward is, without a doubt, going to lead to artificially pained, petulant, inconvenienced Liberals' and the MSM's shrill, diversionary, projectionist cries of "bullying" against the Right Honorable Stephen Harper and the Conservatives, who are only doing what they were elected to do, which is clean up the corruption, fascism and unaccountability fomented with our untold billions of wasted tax dollars by the Liberal Fascists of the dark ages . It's a tall order to fulfil, but fulfil it we must!
Come to think of it, it's a non-violent version of what we're doing in Afghanistan, with getting rid of the old Taliban fascist regime and meeting with yet more, allegation-based, usually trumped-up and overreactionary Liberal Fascist/MSM protests of being "bad" in doing so and such nonsense. Liberal Fascists are, after all, addicted to corruption, abuse and fascism; therefore no matter wherever the good guys fight to eradicate it, Liberals will raise falsehoods about us being somehow "bad" in doing this good stuff. They want to maintain the real badness to which they've become accustomed and which tends to make them financially wealthier for their support therefor (and China under the Communists is yet another glaring example of this addiction to fascism on the part of Liberals and other Leftists).
At risk of going off on a tangent here...
There's also often racist undertones in liberals' support for corruption and fascism. Liberals desperately hope to get certain groups of folks' votes by effectively, even when denying doing so, supporting murderously totalitarian foreign regimes which don't respect human rights. It's racist of liberals to link the fascist regimes to immigrant and ethnic voters in Canada, but it's obviously what liberals believe will get them votes, particularly in big, Left-leaning cities to which non-Canadians tend to immigrate in the greatest numbers. And it is NOT racist to criticize the behavior of politicians motivated by the prospect of manipulating ethnically diverse communities to get their votes. More and more, this attempt on liberals' part to get votes by praising brutally fascist governments of countries some voters come from will fail, as people, while appreciating having nice things said about their distinctive cultural heritage and so on, certainly don't want their new country to support the fascism of their old countries which they came here to escape!
So, liberals, when I attack in my postings, fascist totalitarian regimes like that of Communist China, this doesn't mean in any way, shape, or form whatsoever that I somehow have any kind of a problem with Chinese people, and I certainly don't, as you know from my complete support of the Chinese People and their goal of ending the fascists' rule. For you liberals, in the comments (which I'll delete anyway because of your asshattery) and elsewhere, to suggest I do is just you being complete, total assholes and race-minded bigots. Same goes for when you simply throw out the ridiculously simple-minded, and completely false, accusation of "hate". But that's all part of your shared mental disorder and submission to evil, and I'll pray for you to be given the strength to turn your backs on this evilness.
But I digress, not that I need apologize, as this is my blog, after all. Besides, it's all related to "liberals"/Leftists/"progressives"/"social democrats" (you specify their deceptive self-labelling scheme/false self-advertising, etc.) supporting and being addicted to corruption and fascism everywhere and linking it to cynical, Machiavellianly manipulative vote-getting.