Imagine that. Young men. Trying to meet girls. On Valentine's Day. In Saudi Arabia. I didn't make this up.
Incredible. Not only is homosexuality an offence requiring the death penalty, but you can get arrested for just being heterosexual, too!
WTF, is it that in Islam EVERYTHING is illegal? Seems that way!
Oh, and they also banned Valentine's Day, also banning the sale of roses. Holy shiite! Roses illegal on Valentine's Day!
They were accused of wearing "indecent clothing and playing loud music and dancing" to attract the attention of the opposite sex
Members of the commission, known as the Muttawa, patrol public areas to ensure the kingdom's brand of ultra-conservative Islam is enforced, and this includes strict segregation of the sexes.
Segregation! Hear that, Left? Time to get outraged! Take to the streets and burn Saudi and Islamic flags and all that crap! Burning the American and Israeli flags is illogical to the max and actually encourages the Islamofascists to become even more intolerant and brutal all the time by letting them off the hook. Indeed, that's "progressive". That's what "progressives" want. I don't understand why the Left prefers to condemn America, Israel, Judeochristianity, etc. but not Islam, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc. Let alone China and communism. How can "progressives" justify this inconvenient truth about themselves? Oh, I see. They don't have to justify as long as they deny, deny, deny... and call us "racists" for daring to speak the inconvenient truth!
There's a big undertone of intolerant hatred directed towards Christianity also, judging what the Kingdom's Grand Mufti said while connecting Valentine's Day to Christianity, also calling Christianity "pagan".
You know, why doesn't the Left, instead of pushing the Climate Change Scam, force our governments to take concrete measures, including setting legally binding deadlines, for ending all purchases of Saudi and other Islamofascist-nation-produced oil? Hey, Al Gore, do a movie! Hey, UN! Commission an International Panel on Islamic Oil to reach a "consensus" that we have to stop buying Islamic oil or else face catastrophe!
F'n Saudi Islamofascists!