A 13-year-old boy has been suspended for three days by an Arizona public school because he sketched a picture that resembled a gun, something school officials said they "absolutely" believed could pose a threat.
"He was just basically doodling and not thinking a lot about it," she said. "We're not advocates for guns. We don't have guns in our home. We don't promote the use of guns. My son was just basically doodling on a piece of paper."
Imagine that... school officials who probably wear tinfoil hats in the staff room...
"I just can't believe that there wasn't another way to resolve this," Mosteller told the Associated Press. "He's so upset. The school made him feel like he committed a crime. They are doing more damage than good."
The drawing did not show blood or bullets. Nor did it show injuries or target anyone, the Mostellers said. It just resembled a gun.
Expect much more of this insane bullshit if a Democrat, God forbid, becomes President of the United States. Particularly if it's Hillary Clinton. Because progressivism clearly rots one's brain and causes one to do insane things.
Next thing we hear, school officials will be alarmed by a G.I. Joe lunchbox...
Oh, wait... the self-labelled progressives/liberal-left have already demonstrated their bizarre phobia with respect to the Bible, the Ten Commandments, crucifixes, etc... while claiming that, in comparison to those Christian things, Islam, the religion of intolerance, supremacism, imperialism and war (jihad), isn't scary at all...
Clearly, very, very clearly, there's lots of folks on the left who are indubitably insane and really belong in an asylum or something! Yep... there's nutcases walking around, sometimes actually employed in public service positions!