Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Cheech & Chong Smokin' in Church?

Nope, not the real Cheech and Chong... another bunch like them, though.

Story here. h/t:


"Church of the Universe". Yeah, right. Far as I can tell, and this just might be a little harmless prejudice on my part, maybe not, but it appears that this "Church" is really a pot-smokers' club of sorts, which gives folks an excuse to get stoned and stuff.


Building a "church", declaring a "religion", and now suing the Feds for allegedly violating their Charter right to smoke marijuana, which they claim is required of them by their "religion".

(Of course, there is no Charter or other "right" to smoke cannabis)

(Coincidentally, I think, their lawyer's name is Charles Roach! A "roach" is a marijuana joint/ciggie, y'know...)

Here's something about the "Church":

Church members are required to use marijuana, which they call God's Tree of Life, as a sacrament in their lives and worship.

Church members are encouraged to surround themselves with marijuana, not just inhaling it, but wearing it, growing it, writing on it, eating it, etc.
Members of the Church of the Universe are required to seek social communion and personal transcendence through solitary or group sacramental cannabis use whenever they personally feel it is appropriate to their spiritual development and connection with higher spirit.

Now, what does this really mean, in a nutshell? I'll tell y'all: it means that the "Church"'s members are actually required to smoke dope and get high whenever they feel the urge!

I can see why this "Church" would be so appealing to many folks who like to get high and stuff.

You can see their website here. Heh!

Oh, and I noticed that the clergy are required to wear special hats. Now, that I can understand. But getting stoned whenever one wants? Really, that's essentially a religion founded on getting high on cannabis. Now, I don't think this will do much to make the "Church"'s members very socially/professionally productive or make them have a great memory or be motivated to do anything other than smoke dope, eat a lot and have sex all the time. I would hope they at least wouldn't insist that they be allowed to drive stoned...

I don't see how smoking dope whenever one wants is the same as a mere sip of Communion wine along with the Communion wafer once a week. Nice try, though...

Next thing we know, there'll be a brand-new "church" established based on polygamy, nudism and illegal sexual practices, and you can expect its members to sue for the right to be married to a lot of people at the same time, walk around naked in public and have sex with children and farm animals... and I'm sure they'll want the right to smoke dope, too!

Geez... there's so many different weirdoes out there...

I predict that if some "progressive" judge rules that the Church of the Universe's members can smoke dope anytime, anywhere... then the "Church" will see its congregation grow exponentially!

Do forgive... I know I shouldn't make fun of peoples' faiths, but come on, are these guys for real? I mean, the whole thing appears to be about getting high on pot as a requirement!

Thou shalt get stoned, man! Pass the bong, man... *cough*

I wonder if the "progressive" folks at StageLeft belong to this "Church"? It wouldn't surprise me, man!